Browse Email Screen - Danger T-Mobile Owner's Manual

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1 From the Email Preferences screen, select Additional Preferences > Ringtones. The Ringtones screen
2 Select a notification "category" from the first pop-up menu. In the example above, "Signals" has been
selected. Depending on what category you've selected, you will have additional sound selections in the pop-
up menu to the right. You will hear a preview of the sound when you click it.
3 Depending on what category and sound you select, you'll be able to customize your notification by clicking
the Customize... button. The Customize Ringtone dialog box appears:
4 Select the Play Sound, Flash Light, or Vibrate check boxes as you wish to further customize your notification
method. The options not available (given your ringtone category choice) are dimmed. Click OK when finished
to dismiss the Customize Ringtone dialog box and return to the Ringtones screen.
5 Click the Back button when you're finished with your settings. You're prompted to Save or Discard
Changes. You'll return to the Email Preferences screen.

Browse Email Screen

The Browse Email screen is your main view into the Email application:
The Browse Email screen lists all your emails, grouped into folders, ordered by date. (Read more about ordering
Sort Email Messages
your lists in
February 12, 2002
on page 83.)
T-Mobile Device Owner's Manual
Email Messaging


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