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Misfit flare NDJ3k Quick Start Manual page 19


Your use of the Product is solely at your own risk. We do not make any representations, warranties or promises about the
accuracy, reliability or e ectiveness of any of the Product's functions or services, including without limitation, the number of
steps you've taken, calories burned and other information. The Product is intended to provide a reasonable approximation
of information such as pace, steps, calories burned and distance covered. However, the Product relies on the accuracy of the
information you input, uses algorithms that are not necessarily perfect and is subject to other factors beyond our control. We
do not guarantee that the information provided by the Product is 100% accurate. The Product will not precisely track each
calorie burned or each step taken, and will not precisely report pace or distance covered.
The Product, including any included software, is not a medical device and is intended for fitness purposes only. It is not
designed or intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or
prevention of disease. Always seek the advice of a qualified medical professional before making any changes to your
exercise, sleep, or nutrition, as doing so may cause severe harm or death.
Persons with implanted medical devices should:
• Keep the Product more than 20 centimeters away from their medical device when the Product is turned on.
• Never carry the Product in their breast pocket.

