Auxiliary Input - Pyle PBTSD86 User Manual Book

Bluetooth wireless audio streaming clock radio w/ fm receiver & alarm clock
Table of Contents


Auxiliar y I nput
This unit pr ovides an auxiliar y audio sig nal input for connecting exter nal audio devices.
R em ove the Fer r ite holder at r ear of the unit.
Connect an audio cable with 3.5m m ster eo plug to the AUX- I N J ack located at the back
of the unit.
Connect the other end of the cable to a L ine Out J ack or Headphone J ack of your
exter nal audio device.
Tur n on the exter nal audio device.
To select auxiliar y audio input, pr ess the F UNCTI ON button until the AUX indicator
The volum e level can now be contr olled thr ough the m ain unit. Oper ate all other
functions on the auxiliar y device as usual.
- I f you'r e connected the L ine Out J ack of your exter nal device then you only need to adjust
the volum e contr ol of this unit. I f you'r e connected the Headphone J ack of your exter nal
device, then you m ay need to adjust both the volum e contr ol of your exter nal device and
the volum e contr ol of this unit to find the m ost desir able volum e setting .
- P r ess the STANDB Y
button tur ning off the unit when you finish listening .
Don't for get to switch off the power of your exter nal device as well.
P r eset E Q, B ass/Tr eble and B ass B oost
(A) P r eset E Q
The unit pr ovides 4 pr eset E Q settings for your selection.
I n either r adio, AUX (auxiliar y) or B luetooth m ode:
To select the pr eset E Q, pr ess the E Q button fr om the r em ote contr ol.
E ach pr ess of the E Q button will scr oll thr ough following selection.
(B ) B ass / Tr eble
P r ess and hold the E Q button, the B ASS indicator will display. P r ess the TUN + / -
button for incr ease or decr ease bass level. P r ess E Q button ag ain, TR E indicator
displays. P r ess the TUN + / -
button for incr ease or decr ease tr eble level.
(C) B ass B oost function
I f necessar y, you m ay select the bass boost effect by pr essing the DB B S button fr om the
r em ote contr ol.
Whilst the bass boost is on and the B AS S indicator displays.
E ach pr ess of the DB B S button will tog gle between ON and OFF of the bass boost effect.
Select your favour .
Note: E ither one of the above m entioned m odes [(A), (B ) or (C)] can be activated at a tim e.
B L UE TOOTH button - - - - - P r ess to pair iP ad/iP hone (B luetooth connection).
B luetooth L E D indicator
R em ote Contr ol I nfr ar ed S ensor
L CD display
button - - - - - Tur n the unit on and off.
FUNCTI ON button - - - - - Select FM r adio ster eo / m ono, B luetooth or AUX (Auxiliar y)
m ode.
SNOOZE / L I GHT button - - - - - Activate the snooze function; Select display Dim / B r ig ht.
MODE / ME M button - - - - -
At standby m ode: S elect differ ent setting m ode (12/24 hour s display for m at,
I n F M r adio m ode: Save pr eset r adio station.
Mood L ig ht B ar
10. VOL +/- - - - - - Adjust volum e level up and down; Set clock / alar m hour .
11. Speaker s
button - - - - -
At standby m ode: Set clock / alar m m inute.
I n r adio m ode: Tune the r adio fr equency up / down.
I n B luetooth m ode: Skip tr ack s For war d / B ackwar d.
/ P R E SE T button - - - - -
I n r adio m ode: E nter pr eset r adio channel m ode.
I n B luetooth m ode: P lay / P ause iP od (iP ad/iP hone) m usic.
14. MOOD L I GHT ON/OFF button - - - - - Tur n the m ood light on/off.
15. Alar m
button - - - - - E nter alar m setting m ode; Tur n the alar m on/off.
16. Stand
17. AUX- I N jack - - - - - Auxiliar y audio sig nal input.
18. DC- I N jack - - - - - For the connection of exter nal DC
power supply.
19. R E SE T button - - - - - For r esetting the unit.
20. FM antenna wir e
21. Clock /Mem or y back up batter y com par tm ent
22. Fer r ite holder - - - - - For wall mounting , hold the fer r ite
(close to the DC- in plug) of the power adaptor .
23. Mounting holes - - - - For desk top stand or wall m ounting
R em ote Contr ol
I nfr ar ed Tr ansm itter
STANDB Y button - - - - Tur n the unit on and off.
E Q button - - - - Select pr eset E Q effect.
FUNC (function) button - - - - Select F M ster eo/m ono
r adio, B luetooth or AUX (Auxiliar y) m ode.
button - - - - - P lay / P ause iP od (iP ad/iP hone) m usic.
MODE button - - - - Select differ ent setting m ode (12/24
hour s display for m at, clock).
VOL +/- button - - - - - Adjust volum e level up and down; Set clock / alar m hour .
MUTE button - - - - Mute the volum e.
SNOOZE / L I GHT button - - - - - Activate the snooze function; Select display Dim / B r ig ht.
10. SL E E P button - - - - Select the tim e dur ation of the sleep tim er .
11. DB B S button - - - - Select bass boost effect.
12. ME M button - - - - Save pr eset r adio station.
13. CH + / - button - - - - Select pr eset r adio channel (station).
14. TUN+ / FF and TUN - / FR button - - - -
At standby m ode: S et clock / alar m m inute.
I n r adio m ode: Tune the r adio fr equency up / down.
I n B luetooth m ode: Skip tr ack s For war d / B ackwar d.
15. AL AR M ON/OF F button - - - - E nter alar m setting m ode; Tur n the alar m on / off.
16. MOOD L I GHT ON/OFF button - - - - - Tur n the m ood light on/off.
17. B atter y Com par tm ent


Table of Contents

Table of Contents