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Samlexpower IDC-360 Series User Manual page 2


IDC-360 |
type of Input and output Connections
The unit has a terminal block with 4 male, quick connect flat blade type terminals (6.3 mm / ¼ in) for quick connection/disconnection (see Fig 2). Two
blades are for input (Marked "Input +" and "Input –") and two are for output (Marked "Output -" and "Output +"). The wiring for connection to
the terminals should be terminated with the corresponding female quick connect terminals meant for the above male 6.3 mm / ¼ in flat blade type
Making Input & output Connections & operation
CaUtIon! Please ensure that the polarity of the input connection is not reversed. Connect the Positive of the battery to the Positive terminal
and the Negative of the battery to the Negative. In case the input polarity is reversed, the unit will be damaged and will not be covered
under Warranty.
Input and output connections should not be made when live voltages are present.
Switch OFF the load that is required to be powered from the converter.
Connect the output wires to the load and then to the output side of the unit through the external fuse. OBserVe COrreCT POLAriTy.
Switch OFF the external inline input side switch (if used) and also remove the external inline fuse in the Positive input wire.
Connect the input side wires to the converter's input side first. OBserVe COrreCT POLAriTy.
Connect the input wires to the battery.
Insert the external inline input side fuse in the Positive input wire. NOTe: If an ON/OFF switch is not used in series with the Positive input wire or
if a switch has been used and has not been switched OFF, a spark may be observed when inserting the fuse due to the initial inrush current to
charge the input side capacitors inside the converter.
Switch on the input power to the unit (if an external switch has been used). Output voltage will now be available on the output side of the unit.
Switch ON the load.
overload/Short Circuit: Overloading beyond the maximum output current value (30A for IDC-360x-12, 15A for IDC-360x-24 and 7.5A for IDC-
360x-48) will produce voltage drop on the output side. The output will recover automatically once the overload condition is removed. Under short
circuit conditions on the output side, the voltage will drop to a very low value, output current will rise beyond the rated value and external fuse will
blow if short circuit condition persists for longer duration. There is automatic reset if the short circuit condition is removed before the fuse blows.
Reverse polarity / over Voltage on the output Side: In case of (i) overvoltage on the outside (18V for 12V ; 30V for 24V ; 60V for 48V) or (ii)
reverse polarity on the output side, internal Zener Diode across the output terminals will conduct and blow the external fuse on the output side.
over Voltage/transients on the Input Side: A Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) across the input terminals provides protection against high voltage
transients by blowing the internal input side fuse(s)/external fuse(s). (Except IDC-360D-XX Series)
Reversal of polarity on the Input Side Connection: In case of reversal on input side polarity, internal diode connected across the input terminals
will conduct and will blow the internal input side fuse(s)/external fuse(s).
fan Cooling: The unit is cooled by 1 temperature controlled fan (7, Fig 2). Temperature of internal hot spot is sensed and at 45°C, the fan is
switched ON. The fan is switched OFF automatically when the internal hot spot temperature cools down to 40°C
over temperature: In case of higher ambient temperature or fan failure or blockage of fan suction / exhaust openings, the temperature of
the internal hot spot may rise beyond permissible limits. At >70°C, the output voltage will start dropping to reduce the output current. If the
temperature still continues to rise, the output will be shut down at 80C. The unit will reset automatically when the unit cools down to 70°C.
output Current De-rating at ambient temperature > +30°C: The unit is designed to provide the full rated output current up to ambient
temperature of +30°C. The output current will be required to be reduced (de-rated) linearly from the full rated Amps at +30°C to 0 Amps at +70°C.
For example, IDC-360A-12 will provide full rated current of 30A till +30°C. The load current should be linearly reduced to 0A at +70°C (At +70°C,
over temperature protection will be initiated and the output voltage will drop). This means that the output current capacity should be reduced
linearly at the rate of 0.75A/°C for every 1°C rise higher than +30°C. At say +50°C, the maximum permissible output current should be reduced to
15A [30A – {(50C – 30C) x 0.75A /°C}].
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DC-DC Converter Manual

