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Parts Express 309-585 User Manual page 13

6-source 6-zone distributed audio system


Using the distributed audio system 12VDC Trigger Inputs and Outputs
The unit provides six 12Vdc trigger outputs which correspond to the six zones. When a zone is powered ON by the keypad, the
corresponding zone sends 12Vdc to the trigger output jack. When the zone is powered OFF, 12Vdc is disconnected from the trigger
output. The triggers can be used to automatically switch peripheral equipment ON/OFF. The system also provides a master control
12Vdc trigger output that sends 12Vdc to the CONTROL OUT jack when any zone is powered ON and disconnects the 12Vdc when all
zones are powered off.
Trigger outputs:
ZONES 1 ~ 6: Zone ON; 12Vdc applied to the TRIGGER OUTPUT, Zone OFF; 12Vdc removed from the TRIGGER OUTPUT.
CONTROL: Any zone ON; 12Vdc applied to the CONTROL OUT, All zones OFF; 12Vdc removed from the CONTROL OUT.
Trigger Inputs:
PA- IN: Apply 12Vdc for input #1 override on all six zones.
MUTE – IN: Apply 12Vdc to mute all zones.
Motorized Projection Screen
To Projection
Screen 12 Vdc
To External
Trigger In
12VDC Trigger In
WIRING: 3.5mm Mono
Plug: Tip Positive.
External Amplifier Control



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