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The placement of the speakers is very important for a high sound quality at home. The following chapters help
you to improve the placement.
We offer you also a special service: When you mail or fax us a plan (in scale) and photos of your listening
room, we will draw our proposals for the loudspeaker placements and sometimes also suggestions for a
rearrangement of your room.
t tt a aa
b bb
i ii l ll i ii t tt y yy
The loudspeakers must be in a vertical position and placed on a solid, flat ground. They should stand firmly
and not rock. If the ground is not flat enough and not horizontal, you should place a firm material under the
base plate.
t tt e ee
r rr e ee
o oo
This 50-year old standard for reproducing music can establish a three dimensional soundstage and a realistic
sense for the spaciousness of the original room. Stereophonic reproductions deceive the ear-brain system to
get this impression. The human ear can detect the direction and the distance of a sound source because the
sound arrives with a different intensity, delay and frequency response on the left and the right ear. When all of
these parameters are simulated with two speakers, the brain gets the impression of hearing a phantom sound
source at the direction of the original source.
When the loudspeakers produce irregularities through poor matching of the left and right loudspeakers, bad
placement in the room or other problems, the impression of the original space will not be clear.
Acoustic shading of the ears
= difference in frequency response
sound source
= difference in sound pressure level
= difference in sound delay
a aa
l ll a aa
n nn
c cc e ee
The loudspeakers must have an equal distance to the listening position. A Mono signal, for example a
speaker on the radio must appear to be exactly in the middle between the loudspeakers.
c cc o oo
u uu
s ss t tt i ii c cc S SS
y yy m mm
m mm
e ee
t tt r rr y yy
The acoustic environment of both loudspeakers should be similar. You can here how different the loudspeakers
sound in their environment if you listen again to a Mono signal with only the left and then only the right speaker.
You can improve the acoustic environment in many ways to get the best results. You can ask a professional
acoustician to get ideas for improvements.
With ELLA you can use the Roll-Off selector to get a closer matching between both loudspeakers in the lower
frequency range.
© by KLANGWERK GmbH, Zürich, Switzerland
phantom sound source

