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Z-Wave Information - WeBeHome Home Gateway 2 Plus Quick Start Manual


Z-Wave Information

The Home Gateway use Z-Wave as its primary wireless protocol. This product can be included and
operated in any Z-Wave network with other Z-Wave certified accessories from other manufacturers
and/or other applications. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters
regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.
If this controller is not the primary controller, a lot of the functionally will be lost since it is assumed that
the primary controller is responsible for the Z-Wave network.
The Home Gateway supports Z-Wave Security and can include both secure and unsecured
Add Accessory (Inclusion)
Add accessories is done by pressing the
follow the instructions.
Configure and remove accessories
Open the accessory configuration page by pressing the configure button
accessory in the accessory list page.
Configuration parameters for accessories
For some accessories we have added predefined configuration parameters to make it easier to use
and sometimes change the default configuration to get a better functionallity in our solution.
Associations for accessories
In the Advanced section direct associations between accessories can be done. By default the Lifeline
is associated to the Home Gateway.
The groups and associations are fetched from the accessory.
Remove Accessory (Exclusion)
When the accessory configuration page is opened, press the Remove button and follow the
WeBeHome Quick Start Guide for WBH-HG2+EU, version 2.0, 2017-05-31
in the web accessory list page and
to the right of the
Page 4

