Analog Circuitry; Input Circuits A And B; Input Circuit C (Option 2.4Ci) - Keithley 776 Instruction Manual

Programmable counter/timer
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of Operation
A simplified block diagram of the complete Model 776
is given in Figure 6-3. The input signal is applied
through the input amplifiers to switching circuits which
in turn routes the signals to the correct counting circuits.
If channel C is installed, a signal from the Channel C
input terminal will pass through the channel C input
amplifier to the internal selectors. The CPU. working
under software control, then converts the signals into a
form suitable for displaying on the front panel or for the
IEEE bus.
6-3. Analog
The following paragraphs contain a description of the
measurement logic circuits, frequency
multiplier and of the power supply. These circuits may
be found on schematic diagrams located at the end of
this manual.
Input Circuits
A and B
Channels A and B are identical in
terms of components and operation.
Therefore. the following description.
which reviews only Channel A cir-
cuits applies to channel B as well.
Note that letter designations for corn-
ponents in Channel A are different
for similar components in Channel
The signal which is applied to the Channel A input
terminal is preconditioned in front of the amplifier cir-
cuit by means of relays and electronic components as
Coupling is controlled by a relay Kl, and
capacitor Cl. When instrument is DC coupled, Kl con-
tacts are closed. When instrument is AC coupled. Kl
contacts are open and Cl blocks the DC components of
the input signal.
Attenuation is controlled by relay K3,
resistor network R3 and R39, and capacitor network C3
and C6. When K2 shorts between contacts 1 and 7. R3
and C6 are shorted and there is no attenuation. Actuat-
ing K2 shorts between contacts 7 and 14 thereby intro-
duces a x-10 voltage attenuation.
The low pass filter is controlled by relay
K4. Contacts on K4 are normally closed; shoning R6.
When the relay contacts open, the impedance of R16,
and the capacitance of Q2 act as a low pass filter.
Termination is controlled by relay K2.
Relay is normally open, leaving a 1 Ma impedance
(R4+R5) in front of the input amplifier. When the relay
contacts are closed, the input impedance is shunted by
RI and R2 (5051).
Front panel input conditioning
arc capable of handling signals within the specified
of the Model 776. Protection of the input
circuit from over-voltage signals (up to the specified
limits) are done by R4, clipping diodes within UlO, C8,
R7. CR 2 and Q2.
The amplifier comprises aband split/dif-
ferential amplifier. This section consists of a high fre-
quency amplifier - Q2, and low frequency differential
amplifier - U 10 and QS. The two bands are summed at
the junction of R12 and RlO, and then buffered by 43.
The diode network - CR5 to CR8 limit the amplitude of
the signal which is then applied to the comparator Ul2a.
Ul2a operates as a Schmidt trigger amplifier which
translates, for the following stages, the various input
wave forms to an appropriate ECL logic levels.
Level Control:
The trigger level control
circuit generates a DC voltage which is directly propor-
tional to the required input threshold point. This voltage
is then applied through R22 to the negative input of the
differential amplifier which was previously discussed.
U7 and U6 are a serial to parallel converters which
control the D to A converter - US, U9a, U9b, and their
associated components. The output of U9b generates a
dc voltage in the range of -5 V to +5 V. This voltage is
then applied. in parallel. to the rear panel TRIGGER
LEVEL A. and through the voltage dividerR2 I and R35
to the negative input of the differential amplifier.
6-3-2. Input Circuit
The signal which is applied to the Channel C input
terminal is AC coupled through Cl to a 6 dB attenuator
R18 through R22. and through a limiting diode network
CR 1 through CR6. to the input of the first stage ampli-
ficr U 1. The amplifier section comprises three stage
amplifiers U 1 through U3 and their associated compo-
nents. Limiting diodes, CRS through CR13, prevent
saturation of the following stages. The signal from the
U3 is routed to a divide by 128 circuit - U4. The output
from this divider is ac coupled and dc leveled by R16
and R17. and then routed through Jl to the main board
U4 is a self oscillating circuit, that is, if no proper
signal is available at its input, the output will
at an uncontrollable frequency. To prevent this oscilla-

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