Eau Source EVA Manual page 8

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What exactly does the mineral tray put back into the water?
Essentially it raises mineral silica levels by more than 70%, along with
calcium, magnesium, iron oxide II and III.
How do the infared mineral trays with added clay magnet actually work?
In contact with water, the magnetic system creates an electric charge in
the water molecules, giving water resistivity and conductivity, in other
words the qualities of living water, or hexagonal water as it is also known.
Magnetisation, dynamisation, vitalisation, all these terms mean the same
thing in common parlance.
As for the FIR unit, this promotes diffusion of infra reds in the water,
reinforcing the magnetic effect thus maintaining dynamisation. Please
also read the information below on Stage 9.
Should the parts be cleaned separately from the unit or should they be
placed in the EVA unit filled with the cleaning solution?
It is advisable to leave filter parts in / attached to the EVA unit for cleaning
Please read our product cleaning guidance before FAQs.
Be careful! Only the ceramic needs to be overhauled once or twice a
month. It is sufficient to rinse out the lower tank whenever you replace
other component parts.
Can a 'Milton Tablet' or other sterilising tablet be used to clean the
Ceramic or other parts?
Such products serve to 'disinfect' but will not have an effect on the level
of minerals dissolved in the ceramic...vinegar is therefore more effective.
A more detailed explanation of 'Step 8' in the instructions (i.e. magnet
only in 12L unless the advanced tray is purchased).
Stage 8 : magnetic system (BEP models)
Magnetisation returns water to its hexagonal structure (composed of six
individual molecules of water, held together by common hydrogen bonds), and
also reduces the size of the water molecule clusters uniformally. This makes
them up to 50% more easily absorbed by the cells of the body. 2 magnets
(Neodyme – Nd2 Fe14B) activate the water's molecular structure, as they
are wrapped around the distributor tap of PLC models – or in the BEP
model, a group of magnets are aligned in a circle in an opaque disc
visible through the side of the tray. In both cases your remagnetised water
returns to its hexagonal molecular structure, enlivened and in harmony
with bodily fluids. This restructured water offers your body numerous
health benefits and optimised rehydration after physical exertion.
Stage 9: Far Infrared Rays (FIR) in BEP models
By reducing the size of the water clusters, the FIR's promote their absorption
and assimilation by body tissue, as well as making the water smoother to
drink. The presence of this unit reinforces the Neodyme magnet's effect in
nullifying the negative effects of light on the filtered water. The FIR unit is
a 'capturer' of wavelength (corresponding to its green colour): it captures
and diffuses the Far Infrared Rays (FIR).
How do I know when to replace the parts?
Please note that different parts of the EVA system last for different periods
of time so it is recommended that you note the start date of usage of each
new and replacement part:
Replace the ceramic every 24 months max.
Replace filter cartridge every 9 months max.
Replace the mineral tray every 36 months max.
Advice to help avoid leaking taps by properly tightening them
For the 7L EVA model: the flat nut has a bulge on one side which is
compatible with the connecting joint. It is best to put this side against the
joint and to tighten it enough to make it watertight. Test the lower tank and
tap before full use: fill the lower tank with a few litres and test it above
the sink. For other models, simply tighten the tap just enough to ensure
If a water softener has been used water is not drinkable. Would the EVA
filter make softened water safe to drink?
Yes, and bear in mind that the EVA system will remineralise the water as
well as purifying it.
What is the difference between EVA and reverse osmosis filters?
EVA filters, purifies, remineralises and dynamises the water.
Osmosis may filter and purify, but demineralises.


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