Frequently Asked Questions - Eau Source EVA Manual

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� Maintaining the EVA Advanced Water
Filtration System
Water quality varies considerably from place to place and even from
day to day in the same place. This in turn has an effect on the life of the
filtration system. In the UK & Europe it is recommended that you replace
your EVA Ultimate Filtration Cartridge every 9 months.
It is advisable to periodically rinse your ceramic thoroughly under cold
water, withoutseparating it from its tray.
If the following instructions are followed, the EVA Advanced Water
Filtration System should remain in optimal working order:
Please note that all mention of white vinegar means distilled,clear vinegar,
commonly available as a natural cleaning product (not white wine or
balsamic vinegar). Never substitute with lemon juice!
First, thoroughly wash your hands with soap or anti-bacterial
Cleaning the ceramic in case of discolouration (In cases of pale
yellow, orange, light brown: It is normal for discolouration to appear
on the ceramic filter over time as impurities are removed from your
water (deposits of Calcium Carbonate or other undesirable substances).
To remove these impurities, mix filtered water with about 2 cups of
white vinegar, remove the top compartment containing the ceramic
filter and pour in the white vinegar mixture. Place the unit in your sink
(make sure the ceramic filter is completely covered by the liquid), then
leave until the water mixture has completely filtered. If ceramic is
tinged with green, filter through water with added salt (2 tablespoons
per litre of water).
Finally gently wipe the ceramic filter with a simple low abrasion
sponge, such as Scotch-Brite (or even with your hand) so as to remove
any lasting impurities. Finally rinse the unit under tap water thoroughly
until any smell or taste of white vinegar is gone.
This process can be repeated every month if necessary.
It is strongly recommended that you do not expose your EVA Advanced
Water Filtration System to direct sunlight. If the mineral tray is covered
with a thin green film, your Water Filtration System may be exposed
to too much natural light.
If this is the case, you can either move
it to a shaded location or cover it with a cloth during the day.
To remove discolouration from the mineral tray:
Either: remove it from the filtration system and place it in a water solution
with 2 tablespoons of salt per litre of water. Leave for 30 minutes. After
that, scrub it thoroughly under the tap until all residue has disappeared.
Or: add 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt to a pan filled with water, put
the tray in the pan and simmer gently for about 5 minutes. Rinse the tray
under running water while brushing it, until the residues are gone.
To clean the EVA tap, remove it and clean with the same water and white
vinegar solution used for the tray, ensuring removal of the transparent
seals beforehand to avoid damaging them.
To avoid any further proliferation of residues it is advisable to take this
opportunity to also clean the lower compartment.
If the EVA system has not been used for more than 8 days, the filtration
process will have ceased and you should follow these steps:
Remove and rinse the ceramic filter, filter cartridge and the mineral
tray, then leave to drain and dry.
Rinse the main EVA unit with a mixture of filtered water and white
vinegar solution, then leave to dry.
When you want to start the filtration process again, just set up the water
filtration system and use as normal.
� Frequently asked questions:
The water takes longer to filter the first couple of times, is this normal?
Yes. It may be that filtration takes a long time, more than an hour per
litre and this reduces after a week. If slow filtration persists, it shows
that assembly and usage procedure has not been followed correctly,
preventable with these measures:
(a) Rinsing of the ceramic with clean water in order to rid the white
ceramic of any build-up, which could lead to the formation of surface
encrustation, obstructing the primary filter. (b) Correct immersion of the
Ultimate Filtration Cartridge, in order to push out the air and rinse the


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