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b&o Beocord 1200 Operating Instructions Manual page 7

Stereo tape recorder


A mounring bræ*er irepplied to. hanqinq the ÊEOCOBD 120O
on ô wôll lbe 3!.e ro anæh ûe b.ackel suÉly
tô the walll.
Thèdisran@ bel€n
rhêropedqÊof lh€ Bê@ord ro the hol6ls
4 cm (l 5/8 in.l, and rhe 8eæord ie hùns ôn the wall by the cut-
outsor@idd in rhe ttvo sôâll l€qs.
The BEOCOFO 1200 L$nchâ6le bet@ô 110,130,220,ôôd
Thesitch is difÉtly æibleon
ùe boflom pbtê. Mâkesurô
that ihe shch as st for yoùr lo€lmâi.s voltôgë.

