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b&o Beocord 1200 Operating Instructions Manual page 26

Stereo tape recorder


Yo! only oæ one track ai atimefor mono recordinqs Thhwillgive
you twiæas lonq plavinq time on a tapeason stereo singthal
four *parate tæks âÉ âvailôble 1ô yoù
NOTE: In monô ræôrdingsyoo only hæ to read o.eol theVlJ
mete6 How.,
the meters will respond durinq playb3ck roo,
and rhe unusd VU met€r willtherefore delleot it ræodinss heve
alrcidy bæn made on ùeother fiécbof the lap€
F i r s t * l æ r s p € e d , I 5 c m / s . o r l 9 c m / s .
Fô. microphone .æordinss, you do not haw ro dep6âddùion.
To ræord from other programme soure, for innance TV eù.d
or an additionôlreord player.depr* lheAUx b!tton
T o : r a d r t r o , d ' n g , o e p B ' R o r d b u t t o . : ' a . d 4 w L l i l e - o r i l q
the rapecoôùol laersùaiqht loMard;ihiswill l6k theræord
bunoô in ns operated condilion,6nd tôpe rranspon willbegi..
The rert liohr indicalor, L,willshow yellow liqhi while ô ræord-
inO È in prosre$ ând rhe lert VU mer€rwillndicare ræordinq
Midopho*. Ræordino ldelisâdjosied wilh th€ L hicrophone
The microphone shôùld b€ plug€€d into the normél mjcrôphone
$ket @ryinq rhis symbol,

