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b&o Beocord 1200 Operating Instructions Manual page 40

Stereo tape recorder


You €n Dlay bæk the two Éordings an iwo mys:
Seea6relv, æ ste@, boln pbybæk buftons L and B depresd
Combin€d, æ hôno, botn phybæk buttons L and R €le!.ed.
You maysinirarlveny outincnro play on tÈcks 4 and 2.
lf vou wish ro u*vourBEOCORD 1200and ùe Miated
SEOMASTEF 4a micrcphoæ anplifier wirhour using ùe Épe
yoo should dep6
boih the onlotf $itch.nd ùe PA butto.,
With rhe L and F playbæk bulroG you deido if Vou wânt stè
É Éproduction. mono L, mono B,or borh ch€n615æmblôed.
Microohonesli& *ôob! ! ônd F æmrol rho louds@k8rvolume
ùe othû @mrolrdo noi norrolly hM ro b€ toùch6d,
Yoù m6y 8le o$ ih€ PA button ihmediôt€ly bèlo.ê bêsi.niôg 6
r€cordins, gêioè d€prÉ.sing â rÈord butlon 8nd movino rho
t!p. cont.ol læ.loMrd
you 6n,by dêprêsing rho PA bùtton,
dæ rhe VU metê6 opêralion: thG will ênabl. you to p6
!êr fio slide k.obs tor eordiô06.

