Chapter 1 Preface; Introduction; Product Features And Benefits - Network Critical PT100 User Manual

Portable tap
Table of Contents




This manual will introduce you to the PT
100 Portable TAP (Traffic Access Point) is ideal for 100 M network troubleshooting. The PT 100 offers
The PT
innovative features such as passive live network monitoring, POE (Power Over Internet) pass-through, and 1G monitor
100 can be deployed with little network downtime. Once deployed, the PT 100 enables you to
ports. The PT
troubleshoot your network segments quickly and effectively, using only a single network analyzer. The PT
use of gigabit monitor interfaces where directional traffic is combined, or aggregated, thus allowing easy analysis on
dedicated capture devices or portable computers. The PT100's two gigabit monitor interfaces allow for up to two
different tools to capture identical full-duplex traffic flowing over a single Ethernet segment. This TAP is not designed
for use with POE+ networks.
Caution: The information and procedures in this manual should be used by a
professional network engineer. Make sure to take all necessary precautions to ensure
that the installation and implementation of this product do not interfere with normal
network operations.

Product Features and Benefits

Link Failure Propagation (LFP)
LinkLock Mode
Passive Network Ports
Aggregating Monitor Ports
Gigabit Monitoring Ports
Power Over Ethernet (POE) Passive
100 and describe its functionality so you can make the best use of your new
Allows the attached network devices to
detect if the link state is lost on adjacent
network devices.
Creates a permanent physical connection
between the live network ports.
Ensures the live network continuity is
maintained during power state changes.
Guaranteed 100% live link uptime even on
power loss.
Enables monitoring of full-duplex network
traffic from each interface, ensuring 100%
data is passed to the monitor tools.
Ensures all data from live network ports is
captured on a single monitoring interface.
Passes POE to attached supporting devices.
100 makes
PT100 User Guide


Table of Contents

Table of Contents