Electromagnetic Interference (Emi) - Vita Mobility Werks V19 User Manual

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The   r apid   d evelopment   o f   e lectronics,   e specially   i n   t he   a rea   o f   c ommunications,   h as   s aturated   o ur   e nvironment   w ith  
electromagnetic   ( EM)   r adio   w aves   t hat   a re   e mitted   b y   t elevision,   r adio   a nd   c ommunication   s ignals.   T hese   E M   w ave   a re  
invisible   a nd   t heir   s trength   i ncreases   a s   o ne   a pproach   t he   s ource.   A ll   e lectrical   c onductors   a ct   a s   a ntennas   t o   t he   E M  
signals   a nd,   t o   v arying   d egrees,   a ll   p ower   w heelchairs   a nd   s cooters   a re   s usceptible   t o   e lectromagnetic   i nterference   ( EMI).  
The   i nterference   c ould   r esult   i n   a bnormal,   u nintentional   m ovement   a nd/or   e rratic   c ontrol   o f   t he   v ehicle.   T he   U nited  
States   F ood   a nd   d rug   A dministration   ( FDA)   s uggests   t hat   t he   f ollowing   s tatement   b e   i ncorporated   t o   t he   u ser's   m anual  
for   a ll   p ower   s cooter   l ike   t he   V 19   a nd   V 19A.   P ower   s cooters   m ay   a s   s usceptible   t o   e lectromagnetic   i nterference   ( EMI),  
which   i s   i nterfering   e lectromagnetic   e nergy   e mitted   f rom   s ources   s uch   a s   r adio   s tations,   T V   s tations,   a mateur   r adio   ( HAN)  
transmitter,   t wo-­‐way   r adios,   c ellular   p hones   a nd   a larm   s ystems   o f   s hops.   T he   i nterference   ( from   r adio   w ave   s ources)   c an  
cause   t he   p ower   s cooter   t o   r elease   i ts   b rakes,   m ove   b y   i tself   o r   m ove   i n   u nintended   d irections.   I t   c an   a lso   p ermanently  
damage   t he   p owered   s cooter's   c ontrol   s ystem.   T he   i ntensity   o f   t he   E M   e nergy   c an   b e   m easured   i n   v olts   p er   m eter   ( V/m).  
Each   p owered   s cooter   c an   r esist   E MI   u p   t o   c ertain   i ntensity.   T his   i s   c alled   " immunity   l evel".   T he   h igher   t he   i mmunity  
level   t he   g reater   t he   p rotection.   A t   t his   t ime,   c urrent   t echnology   i s   c apable   o f   p roviding   a t   l east   2 0   V /m   o f   i mmunity   l evel,  
which   w ould   p rovide   u seful   p rotection   a gainst   c ommon   s ources   o f   r adiated   E MI.  
Following   the   warnings   listed   below   should   reduce   the   chance   of   unintended   brake   release   or   powered   scooter  
movement   t hat   c ould   r esult   i n   s erious   i njury:  
Do  not  turn  on  hand-­‐held  personal  communication  devices  such  as  citizens  band  (CB)  radios  and  cellular  phones  
while   t he   p owered   s cooter   i s   t urned   o n.  
Be   a ware   o f   n earby   t ransmitters   s uch   a s   r adio   o r   T V   s tations   a nd   t ry   t o   a void   c oming   c lose   t o   t hem.  
If   u nintended   m ovement   o r   b rake   r elease   o ccurs,   t urn   t he   p owered   s cooter   o ff   a s   s oon   a s   i t   i s   s afe.  
Be   a ware   t hat   a dding   a ccessories   o r   c omponents,   o r   m odifying   t he   p owered   s cooter,   m ay   m ake   i t   m ore   s usceptible  
to  interference  from  radio  wave  sources  (Note:  It  is  difficult  to  evaluate  the  effect  on  the  overall  immunity  of  the  
powered   s cooter).  
Report   all   incidents   of   unintended   movement   or   brake   release   to   the   powered   scooter   manufacturer,   and   note  
whether   t here   i s   a   r adio   w ave   s ource   n earby.  
Ø Unintentional   s cooter   m ovements  
Ø Unintended   o r   u ncontrollable   d irection.  
Ø Unexpected   b rake   r elease  
The   F DA   h as   w ritten   t o   t he   m anufacturers   o f   p ower   s cooters   a sking   t hem   t o   t est   n ew   p roducts   t o   b e   s ure   t hey   p rovide   a  
reasonable   d egree   o f   i mmunity   a gainst   E MI.   T he   F DA   r equires   t hat   a   p owered   w heelchair   s hould   h ave   a n   i mmunity   l evel  
at   l east   2 0   V /m,   w hich   p rovides   a   r easonable   d egree   o f   p rotection   a gainst   m ore   c ommon   s ources   o f   E MI.   T he   h igher   t he  
immunity  level  the  greater  the  protection.  Your  powered  scooter  has  an  immunity  level  of  20  V/m  which  should  protect  
against  common  sources  of  EMI.  Warning:  The  scooter  itself  can  disturb  the  performance  of  the  electromagnetic  fields  
such   a s   e mitted   b y   a larm   s ystems   o f   s hops.


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