Vita Mobility Werks V19 User Manual page 4

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daily  living  activities.  Consult  with  your  physician  if  you  are  taking  any  medication  that  may  affect  your  
ability   t o   o perate   y our   s cooter   s afely.  
Do   not   attempt   to   lift   or   move   a   power   scooter   by   any   of   its   removable   parts   including   the   armrests,  
seats   o r   s hrouds.   P ersonal   i njury   a nd   d amage   t o   t he   p ower   c hair   m ay   r esult.  
Never   t ry   t o   u se   y our   s cooter   b eyond   i ts   l imitations   a s   d escribed   i n   t his   m anual.  
Please   d o   n ot   s it   o n   y our   s cooter   w hile   i t   i s   i n   a   m oving   v ehicle.  
Keep   y our   h ands   a way   f rom   t he   w heels   ( tires)   w hile   d riving   s cooters.   B e   a ware   t hat   l oose   f itting   c lothing  
can   b ecome   c aught   i n   t he   d rive   t ires.  
10. Consult   your   physician   if   you   are   taking   prescribed   medication   or   if   you   have   any   certain   physical  
limitations.   Some   medications   and   limitations   may   impair   your   ability   to   operate   scooters   in   a   safe  
11. Be   a ware   w hen   t he   d rive   m ode   i s   u nlocked   o r   l ocked.  
12. Don't   r emove   a nti-­‐tipper   i f   t here   i s   a ny-­‐tipper   e quipped   w ith   t he   s cooter.  
13. Contact   with   tools   can   cause   electrical   shock   and   do   not   connect   an   extension   cord   to   the   AC/DC  
converter   o r   t he   b attery   c harger.  
14. Do  not  attempt  to  lift  or  move  your  scooter  by  any  of  its  removal  parts,  such  as  the  armrests,  seats,  or  
15. When  climbing  an  incline,  don't  drive  at  an  angle  up  the  face  of  the  incline.  Drive  your  scooter  straight  
up   t he   i ncline.   T his   g reatly   r educes   t he   p ossibility   o f   a   t ip   o r   a   f all.  
16. Don't   c limb   a   s lope   s teeper   t han   t he   s cooter's   l imitation.  
17. Don't  attempt  to  have  your  scooter  proceed  backward  down  any  step,  curb  or  other  obstacle.  This  may  
cause   t he   s cooter   t o   f all   o r   t ip.  
18. Always  reduce  your  speed  and  maintain  a  stable  center  of  gravity  when  cornering  sharply.  Don't  corner  
sharply   w hen   d riving   s cooters   a t   h igher   s peeds.  
19. Operating  in  rain,  snow,  salt,  mist  conditions  and  on  icy  or  slippery  surfaces  may  have  an  adverse  affect  
on   t he   e lectrical   s ystem.  
20. Never  sit  on  your  scooter  when  it  is  being  used  in  connection  with  any  type  of  lift  or  elevation  product.  
Your  scooter  is  not  designed  with  such  use  in  mind  and  any  damage  or  injury  incurred  from  such  use  is  
not   t he   r esponsibility   o f   V MW.  
21. Surfaces   of   the   power   scooter   that   can   come   into   direct   contact   with   the   occupant's   skin   and/or  
assistant's   s kin   d uring   n ormal   u se   a nd   t hat   a re   w ithin   o ccupant   r each   s hall   n ot   e xceed   1 06   ° F.   T he   m otor  
surface   can   reach   temperatures   greater   than   106°F   after   driving.   Do   not   touch   these   parts   when  
disassembling   t he   s cooter   o r   w ait   u ntil   t he   m otor   i s   c ooled   d own.        
22. The   programming   of   the   controller   shall   only   be   carried   out   by   personnel,   which   is   authorized   by   his  
manufacturer.   A   w rong   p rogramming   c an   r esult   i n   s afety   h azards   f or   t he   o ccupant!    
23. If   t he   p ower   s cooter   i s   s witched   o ff   w hile   d riving   o n   t he   h orizontal   a t   m aximum   s peed   a t   7   k m/h,   i t   w ill  
come   t o   a   s top   w ith   t he   m aximum   s topping   d istance   o f   1 .2   m .   P lease   c onsider   t his   d istance   w hen  
24. Drive-­‐wheel   n eeds   t o   b e   s witched   t o   e ngaged-­‐mode   w hile   t ransporting   t he   p ower   s cooter   w ith   a   c ar   o r  


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