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Payne PH10JA018000 User's Information Manual page 2


The operation of your heat pulnp system is controlled by the indoor therlnostat. You simply adjust the therlnostat and it lnaintains
the indoor telnperature at the level you select. Refer to the therlnostat operating instructions for inforlnation on how to operate your
When operating in the cooling mode, your heat pump will mn until the indoor telnperature is lowered to the level you have selected.
On extremely hot days, your heat pump will mn for longer periods at a time and have shorter off periods than on lnoderate days.
Lowering the setpoint of your therlnostat will not cause your heat pump m cool thster.
The following are typical conditions that add extra heat and/or humidity to your holne. Your cooling unit will work longer m keep
your holne colnfortable under these conditions:
• Entrance doors are frequently opened aM closed
• Laundry appliances are being operated
• A shower is nnming
• More than the ustml number of people are present in the holne
• More than the norlnal number of electric lights are in use
• Drapes are open on the sulmy side of the home
With HEAT selected, the heating section of your holne colnfort system will operate until room telnperature is raised to the level you
have selected. Of course, the heating unit will have m operate for longer periods to lnaintain a COlnfortable environment on cooler
days and nights than on moderate ones.
Refer m your fimmce User's Manual for specific inforlnafion on heating operation.
When your heat pump is providing heat to your home and the outdoor temperature drops below 45°F, moisture may begin to freeze
on the surlhce of the outdoor coil. If allowed to build up, this ice would impede airflow across the coil and reduce the alnount of heat
absorbed froln the outside air. So, to lnaintain energy-efficient operation, your heat pump has an autolnatic defrost cycle.
The det?ost cycle starts at a preset time interval of 90 lninutes, although, it may be reset to either 30 or 50 lninutes. Det?ost will start
at the preset time only if the ice is sutficient m interfere with norlnal heating operation.
After the ice is melted froln the outdoor coil, or after a lnaxilnum of 10 lninutes in the defrost lnode, the unit will autolnatically switch
back to normal heating operation.
Do not be alarmed if steam or fog appears at the outdoor unit during the defi_ost cycle. Water vapor froln the lnelting ice may condense
into a mist in the cold outside air.
During certain weather conditions such as heavy snow and t?eezing rain it is not uncolranon for ice to build up on the outdoor unit
grille. This is norlnal for these weather conditions. Do not attempt to remove the ice froln the outdoor unit grille. This condition will
not affect the proper fimction of the unit and will clear within a few days.
The EMERGENCY HEAT setting on your therlnostat refers to any supplelnentary heating appliance that may be included in your
holne colnfort system. Operation of the EMERGENCY HEAT source may be required if heating delnands exceed the capacity of
the heat pump, or if the heat pump lnalfunctions.
The red light on your therlnostat will illuminate if the EMERGENCY HEAT switch is lnoved froln NORMAL m the EMERGENCY
HEAT setting. This indicates that the heat pump is off and the supplelnental heating appliance is selected for operation.
Also, if your particular model of heat pump incNdes an efficiency alarm circuit, the red light will glow if the compressor lnalfimctions.
Call your dealer for ilrnnediate service if you suspect trouble.
During the heating season, switch to EMERGENCY HEAT if the electricity to your outdoor unit has been off for lnore than 30
lninutes for any reason (i.e., power outage). Leave the switch in the EMERGENCY HEAT lnode for an alnount of time equal to that
during which the power was oft'. It isn't necessary to exceed 12 hours. If you cmmot deterlnine how long the power has been oil
leave the switch in the EMERGENCY HEAT position for 8 hours.
NOTE: The EMERGENCY HEAT switch is effective only when HEAT or AUTO is selected.



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