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4.6 Security

This feature allows you to configure the following security settings for the system.
The following information is displayed:
Administrator Password
User Password
Password Description
Administrator Password
This feature indicates if an administrator password has been installed. It also allows you to
set the administrator password which is required to enter the BIOS Setup utility. The length
of the password should be from three characters to 20 characters long.
User Password (Available when "Administrator Password" has been set)
This feature indicates if a user password has been installed. It also allows you to set the user
password which is required to enter the BIOS Setup utility. The length of the password should
be from three characters to 20 characters long.
Note: For detailed instructions on how to configure Security Boot settings, please refer
to the Security Boot Configuration User's Guide posted on the web page under the
Chapter 4: UEFI BIOS


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