Thru Hull Locations - Quicksilver 675CR Owner's Manual

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Quicksilver 675CR— General Information

10. Thru Hull Locations

Fuel tank vent
Canvas storage drain
Cockpit floor drain
Forward bilge pump drain
Forward cockpit floor drain
Line locker drain
Toilet water pickup
Toilet overboard discharge
Waste tank vent filter
Motorwell drain
Garboard drain plug
Water tank vent
Bilge pump drain
Depending on the type of boat, you may have underwater
The deck drains provide self-bailing capabilities while the
fittings that need drain plugs. Garboard drain plugs and
boat is static in the water and no passengers on board. This
fishbox drain plugs need to be in place before the boat goes
prevents accumulation of water in the cockpit.
in to the water. Any fitting that will be underwater needs to
be plugged or the seacock needs to be closed.


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