Setting Mode Introduces; Restore Default Setting; Control Caller Id Display - Vogtec S190TG User Manual

Fixed cellular terminal
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S190TG User Manual V1.0
will make "Bee" tone, if error it make "Di-Di-Di".
6. in program mode. After input a program code, if
you want to continue do program without exit to the
standby mode. Then press "*#" can exit the program
mode to setting mode.
UNIT phone operate: "program mode"- *# setting
mode- *# standby mode"
For example: pick up the handle input **#
**34#0000#. You can hear **# ("Bee") **34#("bee")
0000# ("bee").

Restore Default Setting

This command can be used to delete all the
programmable settings and restore default
factory settings.
Program code: **00#

Control Caller ID Display

Display FSK caller ID (Default): **14#1#
Display DTMF caller ID: **14#2#


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