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Vanguard Optimist Manual page 3


Here is a list of tools that
Your new Vanguard Optimist will come with three boxes. One box for the spar set, one for the blades and
one for the delivery kit containing the sail, block and lines. Use caution while opening the boxes as to
we recommended you have
avoid damaging the contents. Be sure not to cut into the packaging inside of the box.
to assist you in
assembling your new
Figure 1
Locate the box labeled delivery kit (Figure 1).
Inside you will find:
1. Line bag
Utility Knife
2. USA Sail Letters
3. Hardware
4. Sail with sail bag and digital eight sail numbers
Figure 3
Locate the box containing the spars (Figure ).
Inside you will find :
1. Mast
2. Sprit
3. Boom
Be sure to remove all of the packaging (plastic, bubble wrap,
Screw Drivers
zip ties) before continuing to rig your Optimist. Use caution
when removing the zip ties so you do not to scratch the spars.
Electrical Tape
Figure 2
4. Contents of bag # 3
1. Micro bullet block
2. Carbo block with becket (2)
3. Shackle, pin and ring
4. Compression spring
5. Mainsheet ratchet block
6. Mainsheet snap shackle with
strap and ring
7. Daggerboard retainer strap
Figure 4
Locate the box containing the
blades (Figure 4). Inside you will
1. Tiller with extension
2. Rudder
3. Daggerboard
Attaching the Mainsheet Blocks:
1. Locate the bag from the delivery kit
containing the mainsheet blocks. Remove
the mainsheet ratchet block, compression
spring, 1 carbo block and the shackle, pin
and ring (Figure 5).
2. There are two eyestraps located on the
cockpit floor, aft of the daggerboard thwart
(Figure 6). With the shackle pin and ring,
attach the carbo block to the forward most
eyestrap (Figure 7).
3. Remove the shackle pin and ring from the
mainsheet ratchet block. Loop the shackle
beneath the aft eyestrap and place the
compression spring over it (figure 8).
4. While compressing the spring, place the
mainsheet ratchet block at the top of the
spring and align the hole in the bottom of
the block with the holes in the shackle.
Secure the ratchet block to the shackle with
the pin and ring (Figure 9).
Attaching the Sail:
1. Retrieve the mast, boom, sail, corner ties
and sail ties.
2. Attach the boom jaw to the mast right
above the sprit halyard cleat (Figure 10).
When laying the mast and boom down, be
sure that the area is free of sharp objects
that could damage the sail.
3. Unwrap the sail. Lay the sail down over
the mast and boom, aligning the mast with
the luff of the sail and the boom with the
foot of the sail.
4. Locate the sail ties. Starting at the
mast, loop the ties around the mast and
through the grommet in the sail. Secure
with a square knot (figure 11). Tie the sail
ties tight enough that you can slip one
finger between the sail and the mast
(Figure 12).
5. Locate the corner ties. Starting at the
top of the mast, lead one of the corner ties
through the top eyestrap then through the
top grommet in the sail. Wrap the corner tie
around twice before securing with a square
knot (Figure 13). Repeat for lower eyestrap.
Mainsheet Block
Carbo block
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Boom Jaw
Sprit Halyard Cleat
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 9

