TAG GD3015 User Manual page 2

Semi-rugged tablet pc
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The  documentation   a nd   t he   s oftware  included   w ith  this  product   a re  copyrighted  2013  
by   T AG  Global  Systems,  LLC.  All  rights   a re  reserved.   T AG  Global  Systems,  LLC.  reserves  the  
right   t o  make  improvements   i n  the  products   d escribed   i n  this  manual   a t  any  time  without  
notice.  No  part   o f  this   m anual   m ay  be  reproduced,   c opied,  translated   o r  transmitted  
in  any  form   o r  by   a ny  means  without   t he  prior   w ritten   p ermission  of  TAG  Global  Systems,  
LLC.  Information   p rovided   i n  this  manual   i s  intended   t o  be  accurate  and   r eliable.  However,  
TAG  Global  Systems,  LLC.  assumes  no  responsibility   f or  its  use,  nor   f or  any  infringements   o f  
the   r ights   o f  third   p arties,   w hich  may  result   f rom  its  use.  
All  other  product   n ames  or  trademarks  are  properties   o f  their   r espective   o wners.  
TAG  GD3015  
                                                                     Edition  1:   F ebruary  2013  


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