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Swann Air Force Operating Instructions Manual page 3


Basic Principles of Flight
Moving up and down: The helicopter moves up and down by varying the speed of its main rotors
(those two sets of big things that spin). You can control how fast these spin by using the left stick on
the controller. Pushing the stick up will increase the throttle.
To get good results, be gentle and subtle. Small adjustments made slowly and carefully are the best way
to get the helicopter to fly well. Be careful when easing off the throttle – if the helicopter stalls (that
is, doesn't have enough lift to stay in the air) it'll fall, and might not be able to recover in time, even if
you jam the throttle back on.
Forward, Backwards and Rotation: The right stick on the controller affects the helicopter's direction,
kind of like the right stick on a video game controller.
Pushing the right stick up will pitch the helicopter forwards. Whilst pitched in this way, the main rotors
will push the helicopter along forwards. The opposite is also true – moving the right stick down will
pitch the helicopter backwards and move it in reverse.
To rotate the helicopter, move the right stick to either side. This will cause the two sets of main rotors
to change their speeds, causing the body of the helicopter to spin on the spot.
By using the right stick at different angles and positions, you can design and execute some graceful,
arcing turns. On the other hand, quick thrusts of the stick in different directions can create some unique
tricks or stunts. Practice makes perfect!
Trim (Rotation): If you find that the helicopter is turning one way much faster than the other, then
you'll need to adjust the Rotation Trim. The Rotation Trim buttons are located beneath the right stick.
You'll probably have to do this every flight, but it only takes a moment. Basically, the trim 'fine-tunes' the
speed of the rotor blades, and will help keep the helicopter flying straight.
If the helicopter is rotating clockwise (it's turning right from the imaginary miniature pilot's perspective)
then adjust the trim further left. If the helicopter is rotating counter-clockwise (it's turning left from the
imaginary miniature pilot's perspective) then set the trim farther right.
Trim (Forward and Back): The Forward and Back Trim buttons are located to the left of the right stick.
If the helicopter has a tendency to move forward or backwards more than you'd like it to, then you can
adjust this using these buttons.
If the helicopter is moving backwards, tap the forward (up) button until you're satisfied. Conversely,
if it's moving forward too quickly, tap backward (down) until it's moving (or not moving) at the speed
you like.
You can use the Forward and Back Trim to increase the speed and performance of the helicopter, but
at a cost. See page 5 for more information.
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