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Connecting The Eaganmatrix Expander To The Continuum Fingerboard; Operating The Eaganmatrix Expander - Haken Audio Continuum EaganMatrix User Manual

Continuum eaganmatrix expander


H a k e n
A u d i o
E a g a n M a t r i x
E x p a n d e r
U s e r ' s
G u i d e
The Aes3 Audio In and Aes3 Audio Out are standard 24-bit digital audio input and output connections. The
digital audio out is at 48 or 96 kHz sample rate, or synced to any audio rate supplied by the AES3 audio input.
For more details, please see the Continuum Fingerboard User's Guide.
If you have Continuum Voltage Converter, connect your CVC to the EaganMatrix Expander's Data 4 connector,
but connect all your Midi equipment directly to the Continuum's Midi In and Out connectors. The CVC's Thru
connector will not be operational when an EaganMatrix Expander is in use.
The Control 1-4 connectors, Data 1-3 connectors, R and L Balanced, and Buttons 1 and 2 are not used at this
time, but are available for possible implementation in future firmware updates.

Connecting the EaganMatrix Expander to the Continuum Fingerboard

Connect the EaganMatrix Expander to your Continuum Fingerboard with two digital audio XLR cables as
Connect the Continuum Fingerboard's Aes3 Out to the EaganMatrix Expander's Aes3 Link In. Connect the
EaganMatrix Expander's Aes3 Link Out to the Continuum Fingerboard's Aes3 In. It is best to use proper digital
audio XLR cables for this connection, which are different from analog XLR cables. Digital audio XLR cables
have an impedance of 110 ohms.
from Continuum's Aes3 Out
to Continuum's Aes3 In
When these connections have been made, turn on your Continuum Fingerboard and your EaganMatrix
Expander. After flashing violet during startup synchronization, the LED on the Continuum Fingerboard and the
two LEDs on your EaganMatrix Expander will shine blue.

Operating the EaganMatrix Expander

The first time you connect your EaganMatrix Expander to your Continuum Fingerboard, run the Continuum
Editor and make sure everything is operating correctly. If you are not familiar with the Continuum Editor, please
read the Continuum User Guide before continuing on with this User Guide.
When the EaganMatrix Expander is connected, the Continuum Editor will indicate that there is expanded
polyphony for the DSP sound engine.
If the firmware version in the EaganMatrix Expander does not match the firmware version in your Continuum
Fingerboard, the Continuum Editor will show a "Firmware Version Mismatch" error message. You will need to
load firmware (with the EaganMatrix Expander connected and turned on) as directed in the Continuum User's
P a g e  4

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