Quick Tour - The Tivo Menus - TiVo Set-top boxes Viewer's Manual

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Quick Tours
Icons to the left of the program's title tell you the
recording's current status. See the Glossary of Icons
on the inside front cover for details.

Quick Tour - The TiVo menus

Your starting point — TiVo Central
TiVo Central is the starting point for just about everything you do with your TiVo
Product_Name. From TiVo Central, you can see all the shows you've recorded, find new shows
and set up recordings, explore great video on demand choices, and more.
To get to TiVo Central from live TV or any TiVo screen, just press the TiVo
remote control.
Your Now Playing List
All the shows recorded by your TiVo Product_Name, including video podcasts and downloaded
shows, appear in the Now Playing List.
Highlight any title in the Now Playing List (even a show that's still recording) and press PLAY
to play the show from the beginning.
If your shows are grouped into folders (see "Grouping shows" below), highlight the group name
and press PLAY to play all of the shows in the group in sequence, beginning with the oldest.
To delete an individual show or a group, highlight the show or group name and press CLEAR.
Sorting shows
You can view the Now Playing List either alphabetically by title (from A to Z) or by date
recorded. To change how the list is sorted:
1. From 'Now Playing List,' press ENTER on your TiVo remote to see 'Now Playing List
button on your


Table of Contents

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