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Ibanez EPP400 Owner's Manual page 17

Digital multi effects patching programmer


The following procedures are similar to those described in section f,
Programming a patch.
To edit the loop order and loop selection for a patch:
Press the PROG button to enter Program Mode – the bank and patch LEDs
start to blink.
Press the ORDER button to enter Program Order Mode – the loop display
LEDs start to blink.
Use the loop selection buttons to select the order of the loops for this
For example, if you wish to include loops 2, 3, and 5 in a patch and you
want to include them in the order 3, 2, and 5, you would press the loop
selection buttons 2 (loop 3), 1 (loop 2), and then 4 (loop 5) in that order.
To change the input assignment or output assignment:
Press the PROG button to enter Program Mode – the bank and patch LEDs
start to blink.
To select the input assignment, press the INPUT button. Each press of the
INPUT button alternates between the INPUT 1 jack and the INPUT 2
jack. The input setting is displayed by the INPUT assign LEDs.
To select the output assignment, press the OUTPUT button. Each press of
the OUTPUT button alternates between the MAIN OUTPUT 1 jack and
the MAIN OUTPUT 2 jack. The output setting is displayed by the
OUTPUT assign LEDs.
To edit the SUB output location:
Press the PROG button to enter Program Mode – the bank and patch LEDs
start to blink.
Press the SUB button to enter Program Sub Output Mode – the SUB
output LED starts to blink.
To assign the SUB output to a particular loop, press one of the SUB output
assign buttons (5 through 9) corresponding to the particular loop. After
selecting a loop for SUB output, the SUB output indicator appears next to
the loop selected.
To save changes to a patch:
After selecting the loop order, input assignment and output assignment,
and SUB output location, press the ENTER button. This saves the patch
settings in memory and returns the unit to Performance Mode.
i. Copying a patch to a different bank / patch location
Select a bank / patch location using any of the methods described above.
Press the PROG button to enter Program Mode – the bank and patch LEDs
start to blink.
Press the COPY button to enter Copy Program Mode – the bank / patch
LEDs change to three dashes and continue to blink.

