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JVC GVT0276-012A Operating Manual page 2

Compact component system


Enjoying Karaoke
To restore the vocal temporarily
DO NOT keep the microphones connected while they are
not in use.
While Vocal Masking, L CHANNEL or R CHANNEL is
• Always set MIC LEVEL to "MIN" (0) before disconnecting
the microphone.
The vocal or stereo effect will be restored temporarily.
• MIC LEVEL adjustment is valid for both microphones
To return to Vocal Masking, L CHANNEL or R
connected to the MIC 1 and MIC 2 jacks.
CHANNEL, press the same button again.
• For NX-D5/NX-D3/NX-DC3: While Mic Mixing is
activated, recording and editing are not available.
Scoring Your Karaoke Skill (for DVD/CD and
• For NX-D7: Mic Mixing cannot be activated or
deactivated while recording.
• It is recommended to select the sound track as follows:
Singing Along (Karaoke)
For Karaoke DVD Video: Select a sound track with vocal.
• For NX-D7: If you start recording while Mic Mixing is
For Karaoke SVCD/CD: Select "ST, " "ST1" or "ST2. "
activated, the sound and your singing are recorded in
• After selecting a sound track, select VOCAL MASK,
1 Connect the microphone(s) (not supplied) to the
MASKING button.
MIC 1 and/or MIC 2 jack.
1 Select "DVD/CD" or "USB1" as the source.
Mic Mixing will be automatically activated.
2 Connect the microphone(s).
• If a microphone is already connected and Mic Mixing
3 Press KARAOKE SCORING to activate Karaoke
is not activated, press MIC MIX to reactivate Mic
• To cancel Karaoke Scoring before playback, press the
To cancel the Mic Mixing, press MIC MIX.
same button again. "KSCORE OFF" appears on the
2 Start playing a source.
3 Sing into the microphone.
4 Start playback and sing into the microphone.
4 Adjust the microphone level and volume.
Scoring starts.
• The K.SCORING indicator flashes during scoring.
On the main unit
On the remote
• When you press 4 or ¢, Karaoke Scoring is
canceled and the selected track/file restarts.
Result of the scoring
After the song ends, playback stops and the score board
appears on the TV screen with fanfare.
Your score
Adjusting the Sound Track for Karaoke
While Mic Mixing is activated...
The latest top 3
The calorie you consumed
in your singing
Reduces the vocal from stereo (2-
• When you press 8, scoring is canceled. When playback
channel) source.
starts again, scoring starts from that point.
Reproduces only the left audio
• If you do not sing for about 2 minutes after Karaoke
Scoring starts, Karaoke Scoring is canceled.
• To obtain a correct scoring result, it is recommended to
Reproduces only the right audio
sing the song completely. If the singing time is less than 3
minutes, the scoring result may be "0" or incorrect.
To return to normal playback, select "OFF. "
Recording Operations
Before you Start Recording
Setting up the Recording Modes (for NX-D7)
• It may be unlawful to record or play back copyrighted
1 Select the item you want to change.
material without the consent of the copyright owner.
• The recording level is not affected by the volume.
• For NX-D5/NX-D3/NX-DC3: You cannot record tracks
while Mic Mixing is activated.
(While holding)
• For NX-D7: When Mic Mixing is activated, both the
music and your singing is recorded in analog. Sound
(Audio CD only)
adjustments for Karaoke are also recorded.
• Key Control is not effective during Karaoke recording.
• You cannot record tracks while Karaoke Scoring is
(Radio or external equipment only)
2 Press ENTER/SET, change the setting using the
• Repeat Mode cannot be used for recording.
cursor buttons, then press ENTER/SET again.
• You cannot record or edit tracks while you are setting My
REC SPEED—To select the recording speed (only for Audio
• You can record up to 999 tracks to the USB device. If you
try to record a track after recording 999 tracks, "TRACK
FULL" appears on the display and the track will not be
NORMAL Recorded at the same speed as playback. You
can listen to the sound.
• You cannot start recording into a USB device while
Recorded at up to 4 times normal speed,
"READING" is shown on the display.
depending on the file and quality level
• You cannot record tracks into the root folder.
• Do not disconnect a USB device while playing/recording/
editing. It may cause malfunction.
ENCODE—To select the file format (MP3 or WMA)
• Do not vibrate the System while recording tracks. Take
care especially while the REC indicator is flashing or while
REC TIME—To select the transfer rate
"WRITING" is shown on the display. It may damage the
192 kbps for MP3 files.
recorded tracks on the USB device.
(High Quality)
128 kbps for WMA files.
About SCMS (Serial Copy Management System)
128 kbps for MP3 files.
The System uses the Serial Copy Management System which
(Standard Play)
96 kbps for WMA files.
allows only first-generation digital copies to be made of
64 kbps for MP3 files.
premastered software such as regular CDs.
(Long Play)
64 kbps for WMA files.
If you try to record from a duplicated CD-R or CD-RW into
the USB device, "SCMS ERROR" appears on the display. In
this case, record in analog.
MARKING—To select how track marks are applied (only
for radio and external equipment)
1st generation
2nd generation
• You can divide a continuous recording into several tracks
by adding track marks.
Track mark is recorded when you press
ENTER/SET while recording.
TIME MARK Track mark is recorded every 5 minutes.
Track mark is recorded when 3-second
interval is detected. (You can also record
Recording from a Disc (for NX-D5/NX-D3/NX-DC3)
track marks by pressing ENTER/SET.)
• You can record only from CD-DA discs.
1 Start and stop playback of the disc.
2 Enter recording mode.
(on the main unit)
3 Select a group to record the tracks into using
4/¢ buttons.
4 Press CD USB REC (on the main unit) to start
When playback ends, recording also stops.
To stop recording manually, press 7.
Changing the Karaoke Setting
Reserving Karaoke Songs—Karaoke Program Play
(for DVD/CD)
1 Select the item you want to change.
You can determine the playback order. You can program up
to 12 steps.
1 Select "DVD/CD" as the source.
2 Start and stop playback of the disc.
* Appears only when "DVD/CD" or "USB1" is selected as
3 Connect the microphone(s).
the source with Mic Mixing activated.
4 Activate Karaoke Program Play.
2 Change the parameter or the setting using the
cursor buttons.
ECHO—To apply an echo to your voice.
• You can adjust the echo level from ECHO OFF (no effect)
to ECHO 6 (strongest).
KEYCON—To adjust the key only while playing.
• The PRGM indicator flashes during this mode.
• This function is not available for ASF and DivX files.
5 Select songs you want for Karaoke Program Play.
• Key adjustment will be canceled when you deactivate Mic
Press the number buttons to select songs in the following
Mixing, or select another track or file, or change the disc.
• You can adjust the key level from +6 to –6.
1 Select a title/group.
To return to normal key, select "0. "
2 Select a chapter/track/file.
• To cancel the procedure, press RESERVE. The PRGM
SCORE LVL—To change the calculation level ("PRO" or
indicator disappears.
"AMATEUR") of Karaoke Scoring.
6 Start playback.
Calculation level is strict.
Karaoke Reserve screen disappears and playback starts in
the order you have programmed.
Calculation level is lenient.
• For the Karaoke Program Play with Karaoke Scoring:
Each time the song ends, playback stops and the score
FANFARE—To turn on/off the fanfare.
board appears. Press 3 to start playback of the next
MIC LVL—To change the mic volume.
• The mic volume level can be adjusted in 16 steps from MIN
7 Sing into the microphone.
(0) to MAX (15).
8 Adjust the microphone level and volume.
To check the programmed contents
Press RESERVE to display Karaoke Reserve screen.
• You cannot display Karaoke Reserve screen while Karaoke
Scoring is in use.
To modify the program
Press RESERVE to display Karaoke Reserve screen.
To erase the unwanted step:
1 Select the step you want to erase using the cursor
2 Press CANCEL while holding SHIFT.
• To erase the entire program, repeat the procedure.
To add steps in the program:
Repeat step 5.
Recording from a Disc (for NX-D7)
Recording from the Radio/External Equipment
You can record sound from a disc onto the USB device
(for NX-D7)
connected to the USB 2 terminal.
• You can record the tracks on Audio CDs in digital
recording. Sound from discs of other kinds is recorded in
• Connect a recordable USB device to the USB 2 terminal.
• To record from the external equipment, connect external
• You cannot record sound of DivX, ASF or MPEG files.
equipment to the System.
• You can also select analog recording for Audio CDs.
• Make recording settings.
Before recording...
1 Select "TUNER FM," "TUNER AM" or "AUDIO
IN" as the source.
Connect a recordable USB device to the USB 2 terminal.
2 For radio: Tune in to a desired station.
1 Start and stop playback of the disc.
3 Enter recording mode.
2 Select the first track you want to start recording
(on the main unit)
(Not applicable to DVD and DVD-VR.)
4 Select a group to record the track into.
The System records from the selected track to the last one.
• You can also give title to the new group before
recording. See below.
3 Enter recording mode.
5 Press USB REC (on the main unit) to start
(on the main unit)
• For AUDIO IN: Start playback on the connected
4 Press 4/¢ buttons to select a group to record
equipment after pressing USB REC. Recording starts
automatically when sound signal is detected on the
tracks into.
System—Synchronized Recording.
• If you select "FORM GR?", the System creates the new
• You cannot change the source while recording.
• When "MARKING" is set to "MANUAL MARK, " press
You can also give title to the new group before recording
ENTER/SET at the position you want to divide the
(see the next column).
recorded track.
5 Press USB REC (on the main unit) to start
6 Press 7 to stop recording.
Both recording and playback start at the same time. When
To give title to a new group before recording
playback ends, recording also stops.
If you select "FORM GR?" to record tracks into, you can give
• You cannot change the source while recording.
a group title before starting to record.
• If Program Play is activated, the tracks are recorded in
1 After selecting "FORM GR?", press ENTER/SET.
the programmed order.
2 Edit the group title using the number buttons.
• If the remaining time exceeds 10 hours, "_" is displayed
in the hour-digit.
• For entering a title, see "Editing Operations. "
3 Press ENTER/SET to finish the procedure.
To record in analog (for NX-D7)
Recording starts.
When digital recording is prohibited, you can record in
After step 2, press USB REC (on the main unit) more than 4
When "ANALOG REC?" is displayed, perform the following
procedure from 3.
Editing Operations
Editing Titles to Tracks or Groups
How to Enter Titles
• You cannot edit the group "GROUP1" (root).
1 Select the character type.
1 Start and stop playback of the USB device.
2 Select a group/track you want to edit.
2 Enter a character using the number buttons, then
For NX-D7 (USB2)
press ENTER/SET to confirm the entry.
Available characters
(Space) , ! , # , $ , % , & , ' , ( , ) ,
+, –, . , = , @ , _ , `
• Some symbols may not
For NX-D5/NX-D3/NX-DC3
appear on the display.
4 Start editing.
• See "How to Enter Titles" on the next column for
editing titles.
5 Press ENTER/SET to finish.
• To go back to the previous step, press TITLE/EDIT or
• To quit editing, press CANCEL while holding SHIFT.
1 TITLE? or TR TITLE?—To edit the track title.
G 1 TITLE or GR TITLE?—To edit the group title.
You can give titles to the tracks and groups.
– For NX-D7: Up to 64 characters
– For NX-D5/NX-D3/NX-DC3: Up to 24 characters for a
track and up to 28 characters for a group
FORM GR? (NX-D7)—To make a new group.
You can make up to 999 groups (NX-D7 only). When you
record a 1000th group, "GROUP FULL" appears on the
display and no group will be made.
MOVE? (NX-D7)—To move the track into another group.
After selecting "MOVE?"...
1 Press
to select a track to move, then press
2 To select a destination group, press GROUP/TITLE
SKIP while holding SHIFT, then press ENTER/SET.
To erase a character
3 Press
to select the new track number in the
When the character entry position is on the character you
destination group for the target track.
want to erase, press CANCEL while holding SHIFT.
4 Press ENTER/SET to start moving.
To enter a space
TR ERASE? or TR DELETE?—To erase the track.
On NX-D7, you can erase up to 15 tracks at a time.
Select the space by pressing MARK. (See "Available
characters" above.)
GR ERASE? or GR DELETE?—To erase the group.
• You can also enter a space at the end of a title using the
FORMAT? (NX-D7)—To erase all tracks and groups.
cursor buttons.
When you erase all tracks, files other than music are also
What is pairing
To turn off the sound from the Bluetooth audio player
To use a Bluetooth audio player for the first time, you need to
register the Bluetooth audio player on the System—pairing.
Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select "CANCEL?, "
• Once you have registered a device, no pairing operation for
then press ENTER/SET.
the same device is required.
To resume the sound, press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly
• You can register up to five devices for Bluetooth audio
to select "RECEIVE?" then press ENTER/SET.
player, and up to other five devices for Bluetooth
headphones. If you register the sixth device, registration of
To change the device to connect
the first device is replaced.
If you have registered several Bluetooth audio players, select
• Only one device can be connected at a time.
which device is to be connected to the System.
1 Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select
Only "SYS INFO?" and "CANCEL?" can be selected when
a Bluetooth device is connected to the System.
"SELECT DV?" then press ENTER/SET.
The name of the current Bluetooth audio player appears
Listening to Bluetooth Audio Player
on the display.
2 Select the device to connect using the cursor
buttons, then press ENTER/SET.
If Bluetooth connection cannot be established
Try the following if "CAN'T CNNCT" appears on the display:
• Set the Bluetooth audio player ready to make connections
(refer to the device's manual for details), press Bluetooth
SETTING repeatedly to select "RECEIVE?" then press
Listening to Music Using Bluetooth Headphones
1 Select "Bluetooth" as the source.
2 Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select
"PAIRING?" then press ENTER/SET.
1 Turn on the Bluetooth headphones and set it
3 Operate the pairing procedure on the Bluetooth
ready to be found by the System.
audio player.
• See the headphones' manual for details.
• You see the name of the System ("NX-D7") on the
2 Select a source other than "Bluetooth."
Bluetooth audio player. If asked to input a PIN code,
3 Activate Bluetooth transmitter.
enter "0000. "
2 sec.
• For details on how to enter the PIN code, refer to the
audio player manual.
"SUCCESS" appears on the display of the System and the
pairing is completed.
The Bluetooth indicator starts flashing on the display.
• Some Bluetooth audio players are automatically
4 Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select
connected to the System after pairing. If not, establish
"SEARCH DV?" then press ENTER/SET.
connection manually (see the next column).
To listen to Bluetooth audio player
1 Select "Bluetooth" as the source.
2 Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select
"RECEIVE?" then press ENTER/SET.
When connection is established successfully, the
Bluetooth indicator lights up on the display.
3 Start playback on the Bluetooth audio player.
You hear music from the speakers of the System.
The System starts searching for Bluetooth headphones.
• If the Bluetooth audio player supports AVRCP profile,
The name of the first found device is displayed.
you can operate it by the System (ex. skip, stop and
pause). (Some Bluetooth audio players may not be
5 Select the headphones you want to register using
controlled by the System.)
the cursor buttons, then press ENTER/SET.
Display Message for Recording
Using the Bluetooth® Device
or Editing Operations
(for NX-D7)
The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered
trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of
• No USB device is connected or the connected USB device
such marks by Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) is
is not compatible with this System.
under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those
of their respective owners.
• The USB device is prohibited from editing file/group.
• The System supports only Bluetooth audio player using
• The same title has been recorded.
AVRCP or A2DP profile.
• When you are using the mobile phone as the Bluetooth
audio player, you cannot listen to the talking voice from
• The USB device exceeds the maximum number of files it
the speaker of the System.
can store.
What you can do with Bluetooth
• You have tried to copy from a duplicated disc to the USB
To listen to a Bluetooth audio player
You can listen to the music played back on a Bluetooth audio
player (i.e. mobile phone, audio player, personal computer,
etc.) from the speakers of the System.
• The unit has failed to read the USB device.
• The music cannot be recorded.
• The capacity of memory for USB device is full.
• The USB device is write-protected (for NX-D7).
• The track is write-protected by other components.
To listen to music through Bluetooth headphones
You can listen to the music played back on the System using
Bluetooth headphones.
• The USB device is write-protected.
NO AUDIO (for NX-D7 only)
• No music file is recorded in the USB device connected to
the USB2 terminal.
• Playable format file does not exist in USB device.
• Some Bluetooth audio players and headphones may not
communicate with the System.
Connect the Bluetooth adapter (separately purchased) to the
Bluetooth ADPT terminal on the front panel of the main
• Do not use a USB extension cable to connect a Bluetooth
Bluetooth adapter
(not supplied)
6 Enter the PIN code of the headphones on the
If Bluetooth connection cannot be established
System using the number buttons.
Try the following if "CAN'T CNNCT" appears on the
• PIN code is a four-digit number (ex. 8888) to identify
the headphones. Refer to the headphones' manual for
• Set the Bluetooth headphones ready to make connections
(refer to the device's manual for details), press Bluetooth
7 Press ENTER/SET to confirm your entry.
SETTING repeatedly to select "SEND?" then press
"SUCCESS" appears on the display of the System and the
pairing is completed.
Changing the Bluetooth Settings
• Sound from the speakers is muted, and you hear sound
from the headphones.
To listen to music through Bluetooth headphone
1 Select a source other than "Bluetooth."
2 Prepare the headphones ready to receive the
sound from the System.
• Set the volume of the headphones to the minimum.
3 Activate Bluetooth transmitter.
2 sec.
2 Change the settings using the cursor buttons,
then press ENTER/SET.
The System starts searching for the headphones.
• For some Bluetooth headphones, the System will try to
CHNG NAME?—To change the name of a registered device
connect the headphones automatically if the pairing is
Before selecting "CHNG NAME?" press Bluetooth (for
Bluetooth audio player) or hold Bluetooth more than 2
4 Start playback on the System.
seconds (for Bluetooth headphones).
5 Adjust the volume on the Bluetooth headphones.
1 Select the device to change the name using the cursor
• If the Bluetooth headphones support AVRCP profile,
buttons, then press ENTER/SET.
you can operate the System (ex. play, pause, stop and
2 Enter a new name using the number buttons (see
skip) by using the keys of the Bluetooth headphones.
"How to Enter Titles"), then press ENTER/SET to
• Sound Mode does not affect the sound through the
confirm the entry.
Bluetooth headphones.
DELETE DV?—To delete the registration of a device.
To turn off the sound from the headphones temporarily
Select the device to delete its registration using the cursor
Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select "CANCEL?"
buttons, then press ENTER/SET.
then press ENTER/SET.
To resume the sound, press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly
SOUND QLTY?—To change the sound quality
to select "SEND?, " then press ENTER/SET.
To turn off the sound from the headphones
Press Bluetooth more than 2 seconds to deactivate Bluetooth
transmitter. Now sound comes out of the speakers.
SYS INFO?—To check the information about the System
To change the headphones to use
To clear the information display, press ENTER/SET.
If you have registered several Bluetooth devices, select which
device is to be connected to the System.
• Turn down the volume to the minimum on the
1 Press Bluetooth SETTING repeatedly to select
"SELECT DV?" then press ENTER/SET.
2 Select the headphones you want to use using the
cursor buttons, then press ENTER/SET.
Select this for a better sound quality.
Select this if the Bluetooth connection is



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