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eddyline Carbolite 2000 Owner's Manual page 2



C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !
You have just purchased the finest kayaking equipment
that money can buy, and established a relationship with a
company that has been a leader in the world of kayak touring
for over 3 7 years. It is our hope that your interest and
involvement in kayak touring will go on for many years, as
well as your relationship with Eddyline products. I would like
to ask you to follow some simple suggestions, particularly if
you are new to kayaking.
1. Take the time to read this manual, especially the safety
information provided.
2. Familiarize yourself with all the features of your kayak and
notice how all the systems work. If you are familiar with their
workings, you will find making any needed adjustment in the
field much easier.
3. Seek out a good local source of information and instruction
on kayaking skill and safety. Additionally, research the hazards
associated with any particular body of water you intend to
Kayaking is a wonderful means of discovering new
worlds, keeping fit, and enjoying many delicate wild marine
environments. You are venturing into an activity with a long
and diverse history. Allow yourself to be transported back
to a culture that survived for thousands of years with no adverse
effects on the planet. It is a very special feeling. Kayaks leave
no footprints and no trail. This is one of their special
characteristics. Please be sure to do the same. Leave no trace
of your presence as you venture into these new worlds. Help
protect and conserve those worlds so they will be just as special
for those that follow....even a few hundred years from now.
We at Eddyline sincerely appreciate your business, and
remain at your assistance should you have any questions or
concerns. We are always grateful for your feedback and
suggestions. Welcome to the Eddyline family.
Tom Derrer



This manual is also suitable for:

Carbonlite 2000