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Trampoline Placement - Jumpfree Royal User Manual



Mounting and Dismounting: The trampoline mat (bed) is several feet from ground lev el . Jumping off the
trampoline to the ground or any other surface may result in injury. Jumping onto the trampoline from a roof, deck,
or other object also represents a ri s k of injury . Smaller children may need assistance getting up on or down from
the trampoline. Cli m b carefull y on and off the trampoline. Do not step onto the springs or the frame pad. Do not
grasp the frame pad to pull yourself onto the trampoline.
Striking Frame or Springs: Injury may result from encountering the frame or falling through the springs w hile
jumping or getting on or off the trampoline. Stay in the center of the trampoline mat (bed) when jumping. Be sure
to keep the frame pad in place to cov er the frame. The frame pad i s not designed -nor intended to support the
w eight of the trampoline user. Do not step or jump directl y . onto the frame pad.
Loss of Control: Jumpers w ho lose control of their jump may land on the mat (bed) incorrectl y , land on the
frame or springs or fall off the trampoline. A controlled jump is one where the landing is in the same spot as the
take off. Before learning a more difficult jump, the preceding one should be performed consistentl y under control.
Attempting a jump bey ond present skill lev els increases the chance of loss of control. To regain control and stop
y our jump, bend y our knees sharpl y w hen y ou land.
Alcohol or Drug Use: The chance of injury increases when a jumper has consumed alcohol or taken drugs.
These substances i m pair a person' s reaction time, judgment, and physical coordination.
Encountering Objects: Use of a trampoline while other people, pets, or objects are underneath it w ill increase
the chance of injury. Jumping while holding or hav ing an object on the trampoline, particularl y one that is sharp or
breakable, will increase the chance of injury. Placing a trampoline too close to ov erhead electrical wires, tree
limbs, or other obstructions can increase the chance of injury.
Poor Maintenance of Trampoline: Jumpers may be injured if a trampoline is used w hen it is in poor condition.
A torn mat (bed), bent frame, broken spring, or a mi s sing frame pad, for example should be replaced before
any one is allow ed to jump. Inspect the trampoline before each use.
Weather Conditions: A w et trampoline mat (bed) i s too slippery for safe jumping. Gust y or sev ere winds can
cause jumpers to lose control. To reduce the chance of injury, use the trampoline onl y under appropriate w eather
Limiting Access: To prevent access to the trampoline by unsuperv i s ed small children the access ladder should
alw ays be remov ed and stored in a secure location when the trampoline is not in use.
Do not use the trampoline when under the influence of drugs or al c ohol.
Learn fundamental jumps and body positions thoroughl y before try ing more adv anced skills.
Rev iew the User' s Manual to learn about how to do basi c jumps.
Stop y our bounce by flex ing your knees as your feet come in contact with the trampoline mat (bed).
Av oid jumping too high or for too long. Al w ays control y our jump. A controlled jump i s one where the take off and
land spots are the same.
Focus y our ey es on the trampoline mat (bed). Failure to do so may result in a loss of balance and control.
Take turns jumping one at a time, and al w ays hav e someone watch you.
Climb on and off the trampoline. Do not jump on or off. Do not use the trampoline as a springboard to other
For further information or additional instructional materials, contact a certified trampoline instructor.
A minimum of 7.3 meters of overhead clearance i s required. Adequate hori z ontal clearance must be maintained
from objects and possible hazards including electric power wiring, tree limbs, recreational structures (swing-sets,
sw imming pool s ), and fences.
The trampoline must be placed on a lev el surface before use.
There must be no obstructions beneath the trampoline.
Do not place the trampoline near any other recreational dev i c es or structures such as a swimming pool or sw ing-


TE Av yna



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