Configuration File; What Is The Configuration File; Content Of The Configuration File; How It Is Managed By Security Player - inout S-01 User Manual

Security player
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Configuration file

5.1 What is the configuration file?

Security Player is a device which can be adapted to suit the requirements of the
application for which it is being used. Different applications may require adjustment of
volume, tone, loudness, special parameters of communication or timing. The text file,
called 'configuration file' and stored in the main directory of the flash memory, together
with the audio files, makes it possible to programme the various parameters of Security
This file must be assigned the name config.txt (this extension has been used so it can be
modified by any text editor, including those for portable PocketPC terminals).

5.2 Content of the configuration file

Each line of the configuration file consists of:
 Mnemonic code of the parameter to be set. It always consists of four CAPITAL
alphanumeric characters, and must always be at the beginning of the line. No more
than one parameter is permitted on the same line.
 Separating character. '='. This MUST be inserted just after the mnemonic code, without
any spacing or tabulation character.
 The relevant numerical parameter expressed as a decimal, to be inserted directly after
the separation character, without any spacing or tabulation character.
Example file config.txt:

5.3 How it is managed by Security Player

At the time the device is turned on, or when the flash memory is inserted, Security Player
will start to read the main directory of the memory; once it has found the file config.txt, it
interprets the parameters inserted in each line, memorising them permanently in its
internal memory, of a non volatile kind. The parameters therefore stay in memory even
after the device has been turned off. This is why it is not indispensable for the
configuration file to be always present in the flash memory: once all the parameters have
been acquired, this file can also be deleted.
NOTE: If it is necessary to configure various Security Players with the same parameters,
one can prepare a single flash memory with the appropriate config.txt file, alternately insert
this memory on all the modules to be configured, then insert the memory with the audio
files only.
User manual S-01 v.
Audio adjustment parameters
Logical inputs parameters (direct or binary combinaton)
Pag. 8


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