Limited Warranty Duration - Yellowtec PC Audio Interface User Manual

Professional pc audio interface for usb
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Notice of Warranty
The terms and conditions of the Warranty applying to the Product accompanying this Notice
of Warranty are found exclusively in the Notice of Warranty. To the extent there is any
inconsistency of conflict between the terms and conditions of the Notice of Warranty and the
terms and conditions found anywhere else, including the Manual accompanying this Product,
the terms and conditions of this Notice of Warranty are superseding and control.
This Warranty covers "the Products", which are defined as the various audio equipment,
parts, software and accessories manufactured, sold and/or distributed by Thum + Mahr
GmbH (hereinafter "T+M").
With the exception of software-only items, the Products are warranted to be free from defects
in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of receipt by the end-
user. Software-only items are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship
for a period of 90 days from the date of receipt by the end-user. The terms and conditions of
T+M's warranty in effect at the time of shipment shall apply. In order to invoke this Warranty,
notice of a warranty claim must be received by T+M within the above-stated warranty period
and warranty coverage must be authorized by T+M. Notice of a warranty claim may be made
orally by telephoning (++49-2173-967300) or in writing sent by facsimile (++49-2173-
967400) to or by e-mail ( If T+M authorizes the performance of
warranty service and if T+M will be performing the warranty service, the
defective Product must be delivered, shipping prepaid, to: T+M, Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1-3, D-
40789 Monheim, Germany. If T+M authorizes the performance of warranty service and if it
authorizes another entity to perform that warranty service, the Product must be delivered,
shipping prepaid, to that entity, whose address will be provided by T+M. T+M (or its
designee) at its option will either repair or replace the Product and such action shall be the
full extent of T+M's obligation, and buyer's sole remedy, under this Warranty. After the
Product is repaired or replaced, T+M (or its designee) will return it to the party that sent the
Product and T+M will pay for the cost of shipping. T+M will have no responsibility under this
Warranty for any Products subject to: Acts of God, including (without limitation) lightning;
improper installation or misuse, including (without limitation) the failure to use telephone and
power line surge protection devices; accident; neglect or damage. T+M's dealers are not
authorized to assume for T+M any additional obligations or liabilities in connection with the
dealers' sale of the Products.
In no event will T+M, its employees, agents or authorized dealers be liable for incidental or
consequential damages, or for loss, damage, or expense directly or indirectly arising from the
use of any Product or the inability to use any Product either separately or in combination with
other equipment or materials, or from any other cause.

Limited Warranty Duration

The duration of limited warranty for YELLOWTEC PUC is one year according to the terms and
conditions of warranty of the manufacterer (siehe Notice Of Warranty).


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