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GE GTWN3000M1WS Installation Instructions Manual
GE GTWN3000M1WS Installation Instructions Manual

GE GTWN3000M1WS Installation Instructions Manual

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Washermost be installedon firm flooring to minimizevibration duringspin cycle
Concreteflooringis best,btit wood baseis sufficient, providedfloor support meets
FHAstandards Washershould not be installedon rugs or exposedto weather
WATER PRESSURE - Must be 10 psiminimtim to 150 psi maximum
WATER TEMPERATURE - Householdwater heatershould be set to deliverwater
at 120" to 150°F(50° to 66°C) IN ]'HE WASHER when hot washis selected
SHUTOFF VALVES - Bothhot and cold shutoff valves(faucets) should be supplied
DRAIN- Watermay be drainedinto standpipeor set tub DischargeheightMUST
NOT8E LESSTHAN30 INCHES, a ndno morethan 8 feet abovethe baseof the
washerStandpipe m ustbe1-1/2inches minimom insidediameter andmostbe
open toatmosphere.
CAUTION: B eforeptuggingin washer,read the following electrical requirements.
CAUTION: F or personalsafety,do not use an extensioncord or adapterplug with
thisappliance Do not, underany circumstances,cut or removethethird
groundingprong from the power cord Follownational electricalcodesand
ordinances This appliancemust be suppliedwith the voltage and frequency
indicatedon the rating plate(located on top of the backsplash),andconnected
to an individual,properly grounded branchcirctiit, protected bya t5- or 20-amp
circuitbreakeror time-delay lose if theelectricsopply provideddoesnot meet
the aboverequirements,carl a licensedelectrician
Sedebe colocarla lavadorasobre un piso firme paraminimizarla vibraci6n
duranteel ciclo de centrffugado.Lomejor es un piso de concreto Sin embargo,
unabasede maderaes sufictente,siemprey coandola basedel pisoctimpla
con las normasde ta FHA No se debecotocarla lavader_sobre alfombras ni
exponerlaa laintemperie
PRESIDNDEAGUA:Debesat de 0,7 kgflcm" (10 psi) comomlnimo y de 10,5
kgf/cm=(150 psi) como m_imo.
TEMPERATURA D EAGUA:Sedeberegtilar el calentadorde agoade la vivienda
para quapropomioneaguaa onatempe aturade 50 °C a 65 °C (120 °F a 150
°FJA LA LAVADORA, al seleocionarel ciclo de lavadoen caliente
VALVULAS DECIERRE: S edebensuministrar dos v,ilvulasde cierre (flares),
unaparael agoacaliente y otra parala frla
DRENAJE: Se ptiededrenar elagua hacia un tubovertical ouna tina Iiia La
altura de descargaNODEUESERMENORDE76 cm 130pulg ), ni dabe
encontrarsea m_s de 2,4 m (8 pies)de la basede la tavadora El di_metro
inferno del tubovertical debeset de 3,8 om (1o112 pulg) comominting y debe
encontrarseabiertoa la atm6sfera
PRECAUOI(}N: Antes de enchufar Ia lavadoralealos siguientes requisitos
PRECAUOION: Parasegoddadde iaspersonas, n o use unaextensi6nel_ctrica
ni tin adaptadorconeste aparato el_ctrice Balo ntngunacircunstancia corte o
elimine del cord6nel_ctdco la teroeraespigapara conexi6na tierra Obedezca
las regulacionesy c6digosel_ctrioos nacionates Esteaparato el_ctrico debe set
alimentadocon el vottaiey talrecuenoia indicadosen la placade clasificaciOn
(qua seencuentraen la partesuperior de la tapaparasalpicaduras),adam,s se
te debeconectaraun circuito secundadoe individualapropiadamente
conectadoa lierra y debeestar protegidopot un disyuntor oun fosibfecon
retardode tiempo de 15 6 20 amperios Si la fuentede alimentaci6nprovista no
oumplecon los requisitosantesmencionados,llama aun eleotricista
carte machine_ laverdolt_,tre posseSLtronestirface homog_ne pour Iimiter
fesvibrationspendantle cycled'essorageUnedalle an b_ton est id_ale,mals
rappareil pent_tre pos_sur un plancherenbois, pourvti qtiele support de ce
derniersoit conformeanx aortaesde la FHA L'appareifnedolt pas _tre pos_
stir on tapis ou expos_aux intemp_ries
PRESSION D'EAU- Celleoci d oit se sittier entre un minimum de 0,7 kgflom=(t0
psi) et un maximumde 10,5 kgf!cm=(t50 psi)
TEMPERATURE D'EAU- Le chauffe-eaudomestiquedoit _tre r_gt_de fa_ion
alimenterLA MACHINE A LAVERavecde i'eau chaudeentre50 °Cet 65 °C (120
°F et 150 °F)quan_on choisit le mode" hot wash" (lavage_ ohaud).
ROBINETS O'ARRET - Desrobinetsd'arr_t d'eauchaudeet d'eauIroide doivent
_tre pr_vus,
EVAOIJATION - L'eaude vidangepent _tre soil _vacu_eau moyend'un tuyao de
Ptib., N 0,31-15441
renvoi, s oit rejoice dansunbac&laver, L 'eau DOlT ETRE6vacu_e & unehauteur
MINIMALE DE76 cm (30pc)et maximale d e2,4m (8 pieds)parrapport _ ,la
base defamachineLetuyauderenvoi d oil avoirtin dtam_tre int_rieur m inimal
de 3,8cm(1-1/2pc)et _tresitu__ rair libra
: Famifiansez-vous
avec losconsignes suivantes a vantde
branoher tamachine _ laver
: Potirdesraisons de s_curit_, nepasotiliser de ratlonges o ti
d'adaptateurs _lectriques a vec cotappareilNejamais tenterdecouperou
d'enlever l abroche de raise_ la terraducordond'alimentation Respectez los
codes etlosnormes envigueur r _gissant losinstallations _ fectriques
L'appareit doit_trelivr_aveconepiaque signal_tique situ_edansla partie
sup_rieure d udosseret, o uscatindiqu_s le voltage et la fr_quence a pplicables,
reli6_ tincircuit d ed6rivation individual mis_ la terradefa_;on appropri6e et
prot_g6 par un coupe-circuit o u un fusibletemporis_ d e t5 ou 20 amperes
Sile circuitd'alimentation existantnecorrespond pasaux exigences c i-
desstis,consultez un _lectricien
DWG, N O.175D3gO4PO01



Summary of Contents for GE GTWN3000M1WS

  • Page 1 washerStandpipe m ustbe1-1/2inches minimom insidediameter andmostbe INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS LOCATION open toatmosphere. Washermost be installedon firm flooring to minimizevibration duringspin cycle Concreteflooringis best,btit wood baseis sufficient, providedfloor support meets ELECTRICAL R EQUIREMENTS FHAstandards Washershould not be installedon rugs or exposedto weather CAUTION: B eforeptuggingin washer,read the following electrical requirements.
  • Page 2: Tools You Will Need

    TOOLS YOU WILL NEED PARTS SUPPLIED Phillips Head Screwdriver Slip Joint Pliers Level or 1/4" Nut Driver 2 Water Hoses Drain Hose _,_,_ 1 Cable Tie 2 Strainer Screens/ 2 Screws 2 Rubber Washers Rubber Washers Cuandola lavadorase encuentre After the machineis in the home, Lorsquela machineest &...
  • Page 3 Coloqueuna cacerotao una Placezun r6cipient(i) sous Placea cookingdish or pan I Forificed'_vacuation situ_ au dos cazuela I debajode fa aperturede under drain openingon back of de la machine Enlevez le bouchon washer.. P ultplug J out of drenaieque se encuentraen ]a grommetM with pliersand parteposterior de ta tavadora (J) de f'anneau(M) _ l'aided'une...
  • Page 4 Determinewhich is HOT Averigiiecu_l es la tubefia de Repdrez te robinetd'eauCHAUDE avant de raccoider lesflexibles. aguaCALIENTE antesde water line beforeattachingwater Celui-cise trouve normalement conectartas mangueras de agua hosesto faucets.Traditionally, a tas liaves.Generalmente, ta gauche HOTfaucetis on tett Ilavede aguaCAL1ENTE s e Avecte cot6 en sailliedu tamis encuentraa la izquierda With protrudingpartof screen...
  • Page 5 WASHER ELECTRICAL PREPARAC!ON DELACONEXI6N PRIEPARATION I_LECTRIQUE DE PREPARATION ELI_CTRICA DELALAVADORA LA MACHINE A LAVER If required,an externalground Deser necesario,puede Si requis,un fit de mise _ la terre wire (not provided)which meets agregarseun conductor externo externe(non fourni) qui r6ponde ATTACH GROUND WIRE ]ocatcodesmay be added Attach de tierra (no incluido) quecumpla auxcodes Iocauxpout_tre...
  • Page 6: Installation Dans Une Maison Mobile

    SPECIAL INSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS, ALCOVE ORCLOSET NOTA:Losespaciosmencionadosen las etiquetasson los minimos. INSTALLATION Se debedar unagran importanciaal suministro de un espacioadecuado para la instalaci6ny el mantenimientode los aparatos. • If your washeris approvedfor installationin an alcoveor closet there will be a labelon the back of the machinedescribing requirements INSTALACiI}N E NCASAS MOVILES •...

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