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Sound Active Mode; Operating Modes; Color Fade Mode; Auto Mode - American DJ 64WH LED PRO User Instructions


LED Display On/Off:
To set the LED display to turn off after 20 seconds, press and hold
the MODE button, and then press the DOWN button. When you
release the buttons the display will be off. Press any button to turn
the display on again. Be advised though that the display will turn off
automatically after 20 seconds.
To set the display to stay on at all times press and hold the MODE
button, and then press the UP button. The display will now stay on at
all times.

Operating Modes:

There are seven different ways to operate the 64WH LED PRO:
Color Mode:
In this mode you can choose a desired color to remain static.
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until "C.L.X" is dis-
played. "X" = 0-7.
2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to adjust "X" between 0-7. 0 is
blackout, 1 is red, 2 is green, 3 is blue, 4 is purple, 5 is yellow, 6 is
cyan, and 7 is white.
Color Change Mode:
In this mode the 64WH LED PRO will change through the different
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until "J.XX" is dis-
played. "XX" = 01-99 which is the adjustable rate of the speed
2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to adjust the speed of the color

Color Fade Mode:

In this mode the 64WH LED PRO will fade in and out of the different
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until "F.XX" is dis-
played. "XX" = 01-99 which is the adjustable rate of the speed
2. Press the UP or DOWN buttons to adjust the speed of the color

Auto Mode:

American DJ Supply
- - 64WH LED PRO Instruction Manual Page 7
Operating Instructions
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until "A--" is dis-

Sound Active Mode:

In this mode the 64WH LED PRO will react to sound, changing and
fading through the different colors.
1. Plug the fixture in and press the MODE button until "S.XX" is dis-
played. "XX" = 00-31 which is adjustable sound sensitivity levels.
2. The fixture will now change via sound. You can adjust the sound
sensitivity by pressing the UP and DOWN buttons. The sound sen-
sitivity can be adjusted from 00 - 31, 00 being the least sensi
tive, and 31 being the most sensitive.
Master-Slave Operation:
This function will allows you to link units together to run in a Master-
Slave mode. In Master-Slave operation one unit will act as the con-
trolling unit and the others will react to the controlling units built-in
programs. Any unit can act as a Master or as a Slave however, only
one unit can be programmed to act as the "Master."
1. Daisy chain your units via the XLR connector on the rear of
the unit. Use standard DMX data cables to link your units togeth-
er. Remember that the Male XLR connector is the input and the
Female XLR connector is the output. The first unit in the chain
(master) will use the female XLR connector only. The last unit in
the chain will use the male XLR connector only.
2. Using the Master unit, choose your desired mode and connect
the "Slave" unit or units.
3. For the "Slave" unit(s) press the MODE button until "S.L.A." is dis-
played. They will now follow the "Master" unit.
4. To run the units in a Master/Slave configuration in DMX
mode, set the Masters' DMX address, then set the slave
unit(s) to the same DMX address.
5. On your DMX controller make sure the same number of fix-
tures are set to "On", as the same number of fixtures that are
in your Master/Slave configuration.
DMX Mode:
There are three DMX Modes to choose from: 3 Channels, 6 Channels,
and 7 Channels. Operating through a DMX controller give the user the
American DJ Supply
- - 64WH LED PRO Instruction Manual Page 8
Operating Instructions

