8.2.7 Multi-Timbral Mode
8.2.8 Receive Channel
8.2.9 LCD Contrast
8.2.10 LED Brightness
8.2.11 Out Mode
Stereo: The signal on the Line-Outs is normal stereo.
2xMono: The signal on the Line-Outs is mono on both jacks
To avoid unexpected sounding some stereo effects like AutoPan will be
turned off, when 2xMono is selected.
This is a flexible 16 part multi-timbral setup. (On 1 and On 2)
MP8's normal program change numbers are assigned in On 1, and
General MIDI program change numbers are assingned in On 2.
(please see page XX for a list of the program change numbers.)
This turns off the multi-timbral capability. Only the system channel
will be active and only the preset sound currently selected will be
heard when a MIDI signal is received.
The MP8 responds to MIDI data received on this channel.
The MP8 ignores MIDI data received on this channel.
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