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Summary of Contents for Electrolux EUC3303

  • Page 1 F r e e z e r / Co n g é l a t e u r / G e f r i e r / V r i e s INSTRUCTION BOOK NOTICE D’UTILISATION GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG GEBRUIKSAANWIJZING EUC3303 818 37 65--00/0...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Safety instructions Your new freezer may have other functions compared to your previous one. Carefully read these instructions to learn how the appliance works and how to care for it. Keep the instruction booklet. It will come in handy if you later sell the cabinet or give it to somebody else. These warnings are provided in the interests of your safety.
  • Page 3: Description Of The Appliance

    Description of the Appliance Model EUC3303 1. Freezershelf with flap 2. Freezer basket 3. Ventilation grill Control Panel A B C A. Red warning lamp D. FAST FREEZE button Flashes when one of the alarms in the cabinet has Used to switch the Fast Freeze feature on and off.
  • Page 4: Using The Freezer

    Using the freezer To start the freezer and set the correct temperature Turn the thermostat control to the desired position. MIN The lowest position of the thermostat control results in the highest temperature inside the cabinet. MAX The highest position of the thermostat control results in the lowest temperature inside the cabinet.
  • Page 5: Suitable Storage Periods

    Practical advice on freezing · When freezing products, use the top shelf, and if necessary the shelf beneath as this is the coldest part. · Place the foods directly on the freezer shelves. · Spread out the products as much as possible to allow air to circulate between them.
  • Page 6: Hints And Tips

    Hints and Tips Saving energy always clean. Pay careful attention to where the cabinet is · Food Storage placed. See the section "Installation". When To obtain the best results from your appliance, installed correctly, the cabinet will consume less · neither hot foods nor liquids which may energy.
  • Page 7: Defrosting The Freezer

    Disconnect the appliance from electricity supply. Clean the inside and accessories with warm water and bicarbonate of soda (5ml to 0,5 litre water) Rinse and dry thoroughly. Regularly check the door seals and wipe clean to ensure they are clean and free from debris. Wash the outer cabinet with warm soapy water.
  • Page 8: Something Not Working

    Something Not Working Before contacting your local Service Force Centre check the following point: Problem Possible cause / Remedy Audible alarm + flashing red warning Switch off the audible alarm by pressing the alarm off button. lamp. (It is too warm inside the freezer.) The audible alarm could have been triggered by: The cabinet having been recently switched on and the temperature still being too high.
  • Page 9: Declaration Of Guarantee Terms

    or defects that result from the addition of DECLARATION OF GUARANTEE non-original accessories or spare parts are not TERMS. covered by the guarantee. Our appliances are produced with the greatest of 10. Appliances that are easy to transport may be care.
  • Page 10: Technical Specification

    Technical specification Model EUC3303 Volume 300 l Width 660 mm Height 1800 mm Depth 680 mm Energy consumption 321 kWh/y Energy class Rated power 120 W Freezing capacity 30 kg/24 hours Installation Mains Cable Do not remove the power cord by pulling on its lead, particulary when the product is being pulled out of its niche.
  • Page 11: Installing The Cabinet

    Installing the cabinet Make sure that the power plug is not squashed or damaged by back of the product. A damaged power plug may overheat and cause a · fire. Do not place heavy articles or the product itself on the power cord.
  • Page 12: Door Reversal

    Door Reversal 1. Close the cabinet and remove the plug from the electrical socket. 2. Remove the ventilation grille. There is a part on the grille that can be removed. Remove and reposition it on the other side. 3. Put the cabinet on a wooden board when it is laid down.
  • Page 13 qÜÉ=bäÉÅíêçäìñ=dêçìé=áë=íÜÉ=ïçêäÇDë=ä~êÖÉëí=éêçÇìÅÉê=çÑ=éçïÉêÉÇ=~ééäá~åÅÉë=Ñçê=âáíÅÜÉåI=ÅäÉ~åáåÖ=~åÇ=çìíÇççê=ìëÉK jçêÉ=íÜ~å=RR=ãáääáçå=bäÉÅíêçäìñ=dêçìé=éêçÇìÅíë=EëìÅÜ=~ë=êÉÑêáÖÉê~íçêëI=ÅççâÉêëI=ï~ëÜáåÖ=ã~ÅÜáåÉëI=î~Åììã=ÅäÉ~åÉêëI ÅÜ~áå=ë~ïë=~åÇ=ä~ïå=ãçïÉêëF=~êÉ=ëçäÇ=É~ÅÜ=óÉ~ê=íç=~=î~äìÉ=çÑ=~ééêçñK=rpa=NQ=Äáääáçå=áå=ãçêÉ=íÜ~å=NRM=ÅçìåíêáÉë ~êçìåÇ=íÜÉ=ïçêäÇK iÉ=dêçìéÉ=bäÉÅíêçäìñ=Éëí=äÉ=éêÉãáÉê=Ñ~ÄêáÅ~åí=ãçåÇá~ä=ÇD~éé~êÉáäë=ÇçãÉëíáèìÉëI=ÇDÉåíêÉíáÉå=Éí=éçìê=äDÉñí¨êáÉìêK mäìë=ÇÉ=RR=ãáääáçåë=ÇÉ=éêçÇìáíë=Çì=dêçìéÉ=bäÉÅíêçäìñ=EíÉäë=èìÉ=ê¨ÑêáÖ¨ê~íÉìêëI=Åìáëáåá≠êÉëI=ä~îÉJäáåÖÉI=~ëéáê~íÉìêëI íêçå´çååÉìëÉëI=íçåÇÉìëÉë=¶=Ö~òçåF=ëçåí=îÉåÇìë=ÅÜ~èìÉ=~åå¨É=éçìê=ìå=ãçåí~åí=ÇDÉåîáêçå=NQ=ãáääá~êÇë=ÇDbìêçë Ç~åë=éäìë=ÇÉ=NRM=é~óë=¶=íê~îÉêë=äÉ=ãçåÇÉK aáÉ=bäÉÅíêçäìñJdêìééÉ=áëí=ÇÉê=ïÉäíïÉáí=Öê∏≈íÉ=eÉêëíÉääÉê=îçå=Ö~ëJ=ìåÇ=ëíêçãÄÉíêáÉÄÉåÉå=dÉê®íÉå=ÑΩê=ÇáÉ=hΩÅÜÉI=òìã oÉáåáÖÉå=ìåÇ=ÑΩê=cçêëí=ìåÇ=d~êíÉåK=gÉÇÉë=g~Üê=îÉêâ~ìÑí=ÇáÉ=bäÉÅíêçäìñJdêìééÉ=áå=ΩÄÉê=NRM=i®åÇÉêå=ÇÉê=bêÇÉ=ΩÄÉê=RR jáääáçåÉå=mêçÇìâíÉ=EhΩÜäëÅÜê®åâÉI=eÉêÇÉI=t~ëÅÜã~ëÅÜáåÉåI=pí~ìÄë~ìÖÉêI=jçíçêë®ÖÉå=ìåÇ=o~ëÉåã®ÜÉêF=ãáí=ÉáåÉã tÉêí=îçå=êìåÇ=NQ=jêÇK=rpaK aÉ=bäÉÅíêçäìñ=dêçÉé=áë=ÇÉ=ÖêççíëíÉ=éêçÇìÅÉåí=íÉê=ïÉêÉäÇ=î~å=~~åÖÉÇêÉîÉå=~éé~ê~íÉå=îççê=ÖÉÄêìáâ=áå=ÇÉ=âÉìâÉåI êÉáåáÖáåÖëïÉêâò~~ãÜÉÇÉå=Éå=îççê=ÖÉÄêìáâ=ÄìáíÉåëÜìáëK=få=ãÉÉê=Ç~å=NRM=ä~åÇÉå=çîÉê=ÇÉ=ÜÉäÉ=ïÉêÉäÇ=ïçêÇÉå=áÉÇÉê=à~~ê ãÉÉê=Ç~å=RR=ãáäàçÉå=bäÉÅíêçäìñ=éêçÇìÅíÉå=Eòç~äë=âçÉäâ~ëíÉåI=ÑçêåìáòÉåI=ï~ë~ìíçã~íÉåI=ëíçÑòìáÖÉêëI=âÉííáåÖò~ÖÉå=Éå Öê~ëã~~áÉêëF=îÉêâçÅÜí=íÉê=ï~~êÇÉ=î~å=ÅáêÅ~=rpa=NQ=ãáäà~êÇK MARIESTAD /AV...

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