Tune to the XM radio
station whose channel name is
identified in the command.
If browsing My Media when the
voice button is selected, the voice
recognition commands for My Media
features are available.
Begin a dialog to
enter a specific Artist name.
Begin playback of the media
selection identified in the command.
Begin a dialog to
enter a specific album name.
Begin playback of the identified
album name in the command.
Begin a dialog to
enter a specific song name.
playback of the identified song
name in the command.
Begin a dialog to
enter a specific genre.
Begin playback of the media
selection identified in the command.
Begin a dialog to
enter a specific playlist name.
Begin playback of the identified
playlist in the command.
music from a specific device
identified by name. The device
name is the name displayed on the
screen when the device is first
selected as an audio source.
enter a specific name.
Begin playback of the media
selection identified in the command.
to enter a specific name.
media selection identified in the
CD at the track identified in the
enter a specific name.
media selection identified in the
Begin a dialog to
Begin a dialog
Begin playback of the
Begin playback of the
Begin a dialog to
Begin playback of the