Connectivity; Restore Factory Settings - Icemobile TROPICAL III User Manual

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Change PIN: If the current PIN password lock has been activated,
you can re-set on the PIN password
Change PIN2:
on the PIN2 password.
Phone security
Phone lock:
Phone lock password can prevent your mobile phone stolen by others.
Select On to open phone lock password to enter the correct
password-protected phone lock open, the next boot requires that you enter
the correct password to enter the phone lock.
Change password:
Change the phone password, enter the old password and then enter a
new password. Phone default password is 1122.
Auto keypad lock
Mobile phones set to set the Auto key lock function, identify lock set
into the keyboard interface, you can choose to turn off, respectively
(keyboard auto lock function is invalid), 5 sec, 30 sec, 1 min, 5 min, if in
idle screen has no any operation, automatically locks the keyboard.


  I nto   t he   c onnectity   m enu,it   d isplay   t he   d ata   a ccount,press   t he   o k  
option   i nto   t he   d ata   a ccount   l ist   a nd   p ress   o ption,include   e dit、add   p s  
accout、delete   a nd   s et   a s   d efault    

Restore factory settings

In   t his   m enu,   e nter   t he   p hone   l ock   p assworde,   o nce   d etermined,   t he  
phone   a utomatically   r eboot   t he   p hone   a fter   t he   r elevant   p arameters   c an  
be   s et   t o   r eturn   t o   t he   c ase   o f   m obile   p hone   f actory.   T he   d efault  
password   i s   1 122.  
PIN2 old to enter the correct password, you can set


Table of Contents

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