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Troubleshooting - ATN Night Cougar User Manual

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inFra-red illuminator
Infra-red (IR) illuminators, are common to night
vision. The IR light greatly enhances the perform-
ance of the Night Cougar while remaining almost
totally invisible to the naked eye. The IR illumina-
tor on the Night Cougar is located next to the front
To turn the IR on or off push the button marked
"IR". It is important to remember that the IR illumi-
nator is simply an infra red light source, and like
any light source, it may loose its effectiveness
over a great distance.
NOTE: The IR will automatically turn off when the
unit's power is turned off.
1) Fit the headgear to your head size. Adjust the
headgear first before attaching the Night Cougar
to it.
2) Loosen all the straps and place the headgear
on your head.
3) Tighten the straps until the headgear fits firmly.
Now you are ready to mount the Night Cougar on
to your headgear.
1) Remove the already adjusted headgear from
your head.
2) Put the adapter [1] onto the top of device and
screw the mounting screw [2] tightly.
3) Push the button [3] and insert the bracket [4] of
the adapter to the rail of the headset.
4) Place the headgear with Night Cougar onto your
5) Loosen the screw [5] and move the unit along
the rail for eye relief adjustment.
The Night Cougar headset has a flip-up mecha-
nism. Push the button [6] on the side of mount and
lift the unit up until the unit fixates in the top posi-
tion. Push same button to lower Night Cougar to
viewing position.
storage and care
• If the device is not to be used for extended period
of time (more than 10 days) remove the battery.
• Avoid touching lenses. If fingerprints or traces of
dirt or dust appear, clean their surface with a Pho-
tographic lens cleaning tissue.
• Keep lens cap/daylight filters on when not in use.
• The Night Cougar is not harmful to the user or the
• Do not disassemble except to clean the front lenses
and eyepieces: it will void your warranty.
• Evaluate the device function by looking through it
in a lit environment with the daylight filter lens cap
on. Never use in daylight without the daylight filter
lens cap on.
• Never point the Night Cougar at a bright light
• Adverse atmospheric conditions such as fog,
smog or haze and a lack of ambient light (moon
or starlight) may diminish the effective viewing
• If you use the rubber eyecaps for a long period
of time, you may suffer skin inflammation. If you
develop any symptoms, consult a doctor imme-
cleaning the eYepiece
You may need to clean the eyepiece of the Night
Cougar from time to time in order to guarantee
top performance. When you receive your Night
Cougar you should check for dust on the eyepiece
of the unit.
First you will need to remove the eyepiece. To do
that you will need to initially loosen the 2 set screws
that can be found on the base. Then unscrew the
eyepiece counter-clockwise to remove it.
NOTE: You do not have to remove the set screws
completely, they are very small and easy to mis-
CAUTION: Use only Photographic lens cleaning
tissue on these surfaces. Be careful not to scratch
or smudge any of these surfaces. When using com-
pressed air to blow dust away, make sure to avoid
inverting the can while spraying. This can cause
frozen propellant to exit the can, which can cause
serious problems with the glass and phosphor


Q: Flashes, flickers or clicking occur while operating
S: If it occurs within the first five minutes of insert-
ing new batteries, it is normal and the device will
resume normal operation soon thereafter. If it
occurs for more than 10 minutes, contact for serv-
ice instructions.
Q: Dark spots on screen.
S: These are either cosmetic blemishes in the inten-
sifier tube or dust particles.
Q: Screen becomes darker than at previous use.
S: Replace batteries. If problem persists, contact
your dealer or other authorized service represent-
ative for service instructions.
Q: Image not clear.
S: Adjust objective lens, and/or the eyepiece.

