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MTD 13A3762F700 Operator's Manual page 20

Transmatic lawn tractor


make any adjust-
ments while the
engine is running,
except where speci-
i fied in the operator's
i Never attempt to
iadjust the brakes
_wh ie the engine
i is running. Always
idisengage PTO, move
::shift lever into neutral
position, stop engine
and remove key to
iprevent unintended
Figure 14
1. With the tractorparkedon a firm,levelsurface,place
the deck lift leverin the top notch(highestposition)
and rotatethe blade nearestthe dischargechute so
that itis parallelwith the tractor.
2. Measurethe distancefrom the front ofthe bladetip to
the groundand the rearof the blade tip to the ground.
Thefirst measurement t akenshouldbe between
1/4"and 3/8" less than thesecond measurement.
Determinethe approximate distancenecessaryfor
properadjustmentand proceed,if necessary,to the
next step.
3. Locatethejam nut and lock nut on the front sideof the
stabilizerbracket.See Figure14.After looseningthe
jam nut:
Tightenthe lock nutto raisethefront of the deck;
Loosenthe lock nut to lowerthefront of the deck.
4. Retightenthe jam nut loosenedearlierwhen proper
adjustmentis achieved.
Figure 15
WARNING: Never attempt to
make any adjustments while
the engine is running, except
where specified in the operator's
Leveling the Deck
NOTE:Checkthe tractor'stire pressurebeforeperform-
ing anydeck levelingadjustments.Referto Tires on
page24 for information regardingtire pressure.
Front To Rear
Thefront of the cuttingdeck is supportedbya stabilizer
bar that canadjustedto levelthe deck from frontto rear.
Thefront of the deck shouldbe between1/4-inchand
3/8-inch lowerthanthe rear of the deck.Adjustif
necessaryas follows:
Side to Side
If the cuttingdeck appearsto be mowingunevenly,a side
to side adjustment c an be performed.Adjustif necessary
as follows:
1. With the tractorparkedon a firm,levelsurface,place
the deck lift leverin the top notch(highestposition)
and rotateboth bladesso that they are perpendicular
with the tractor.
2. Measurethe distancefrom the outsideof the left blade
tip to the groundand the distancefrom theoutside of
the rightblade tip to theground.Bothmeasurements
takenshouldbe equal. If they'renot, proceedto the
next step.
3. Loosen,butdo NOT remove,the hexcap screwon
the left deck hangerbracket.See Figure15.
4. Balancethe deck by usinga wrenchto turn the
adjustment g ear (foundimmediatelybehindthe hex
cap screwjust loosened)clockwise/upor counter-
clockwise/down. T hedeck is properlybalancedwhen
bothblade tip measurements takenearlierare equal.
5. Retightenthe hex capscrewon the left deck hanger
bracketwhenproperadjustmentis achieved.
Parking Brake Adjustment
ARNING" Never attempt to ad-
just the brakes while the engine is
running. Always disengage PTO,
move shift lever into neutral posi-
tion, stop engine and remove key
to prevent unintended starting.
If the tractordoes notcome to a completestopwhenthe
brakepedalis completelydepressed,or if the tractor's
rear wheelscan roll with the parkingbrakeapplied,the

