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MTD 13A3762F700 Operator's Manual page 17

Transmatic lawn tractor


Driving The Tractor
WARNING: Avoid sudden starts,
e×-cessive speed and sudden
WARNING: Do not leave the seat
of the tractor without first plac-
ingthe PTO (Blade Engage) lever
in the disengaged (OFF) posi-
tion, depressing the brake pedal
and engaging the parking brake.
if leaving the tractor unattended,
also turn the ignition key off and
remove the key.
Always look down and behind
before and while backing up to
avoid a back-over accident.
1. Depressthe brakepedalto releasetheparkingbrake
and let the pedalup.
2. Movethe throttleleverintothe FAST(rabbit)position.
3. Placethe shiftleverin eitherthe FORWARD or
IMPORTANT:DoNOTuse the shift leverto changethe
directionof travelwhenthe tractoris in motion.Always
usethe brakepedalto bringthe tractorto a complete
stop beforeshifting.
4. Releasethe parkingbrakebydepressingthe clutch-
brakepedaland positioningthe speedcontrolleverin
NOTE:Whenoperatingthe unit initially,there willbe little
differencebetweenthe highesttwo speedsuntilafter the
beltshaveseatedthemselvesinto the pulleysduringthe
ARNING: Before leaving the
operator's position for any
reason, disengage the blades,
place the shift lever in neutral,
engage the parking brake, shut
engine off and remove the key.
IMPORTANT: W henstoppingthe tractorfor anyreason
whileon a grass surface,always:
1. Placethe shift leverin neutral,
2. Engagethe parkingbrake,
3. Shutengineoff and removethe key.
Doingsowill minimizethe possibilityof havingyourlawn
"browned"by hot exhaustfromyourtractor's running
If unit stalls with speedcontrolin high speed,or if unit
willnot operatewith speedcontrolleverin a lowspeed
position,proceedas follows:
1. Placeshiftleverin NEUTRAL.
2. Restartengine.
3. Placespeedcontrol leverin highestspeedposition.
4. Releaseclutch-brakepedalfully.
5. Depressclutch-brake pedal.
6. Placespeedcontrol leverin desiredposition.
7. Placeshiftleverin eitherFORWARD or REVERSE,
and follownormaloperatingprocedures.
positions1 or 2. Becomecompletelyfamiliarwith the
tractor'soperationand controlsbeforeoperatingthe
tractorinhigher speedpositions.
Releaseclutch-brakepedal slowlyto putunit into
The lawntractoris broughtto a stop bydepressing
Avoid sudden starts,
ex-cessive speed and
sudden stops.
Do not leave the seat
of the tractor without
first placingthe PTO
(Blade Engage)lever in
the disengaged (OFF)
position, depressing
the brake pedal and
engaging the parking
brake, if leaving the
tractor unattended,
also turn the ignition
key off and remove the
Always look down
and behind before
and while backing up
to avoid a back-over

