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MTD 54M Operator's Manual page 14

21-inch rotary lawn mower
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Gasolineand itsvapors
are extremelyflam-
mableand explosive.
Fireor explosioncan
cause severeburns
or death. If gasolineis
spilledon yourselfor
your clothes,wash your
I skin and change clothes
i immediately.
i Starting enginecreates
sparking. Sparking can
ignite nearby flamma-
I b e gases. Explosion
and fire could result.
can result in fire or
electric shock. Unin-
tentional start-up can
, result in entanglement,
traumatic amputation,
i or laceration.
WARNING: Gasoline and its vapors are extremely flammable and explosive. Fire or
explosion can cause severe burns or death. If gasoline is spilled on yourself or your
clothes, wash your skin and change clothes immediately.
Gasoline and its vapors are
extremely flammable and
explosive. Fire or explosion can
cause severe burns or death, if
gasoline is spilled on yourself
or your clothes, wash your skin
and change clothes immediately.
Whenaddingfuel, turnengineOFF and let engine
coolat least2 minutesbeforeremovinggas cap.
Fill fueltank outdoorsor in wellventilatedarea.
Useonlyan approvedgasolinecontainer.
Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor on a truck or
trailerbed with a plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontain-
ers on the groundawayfrom yourvehiclebefore
• If possible,removegas-powered equipmentfrom the
truckor trailerand refuelit on theground.If this is
not possible,then refuelsuch equipmenton a trailer
with a portablecontainer,ratherthan froma gasoline
• Keepthe nozzlein contactwith the rimof thefuel
tank or containeropeningat all timesuntilfueling is
complete.Do notuse a nozzlelock-opendevice.
• Do notoverfillfuel tank. Filltank to approximately
2 cm belowlowestportionof neckto allowfor fuel
• Keepgasolineawayfrom sparks,open flames,pilot
lights,heat,and other ignitionsources.
• Neverfuelequipmentindoorsbecauseflammable
vaporswill accumulate in the area.
• Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipes,and other
sourcesof ignition.
• Checkfuelline,tank, cap, andfittings frequentlyfor
cracksor leaks.Replaceif necessary.
• Whenstartingengine,makesurespark plug,muffler,
fuelcap and air cleanerare in place.
• Do notcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
• If fuelspills,wait untilit evaporatesbeforestarting
• Whenoperatingequipment,do not tip engineor
equipmentat anglewhich causesgasolineto spill.
• Do notchoke carburetor to stopengine.
• Whentransportingequipment,transportwith fuel tank
Whenstoringgasolineor equipmentwith fuel in tank,
storeawayfrom furnaces,stoves,waterheatersor
otherappliancesthat havepilot lightor other ignition
sourcebecausethey can ignitegasolinevapors.
Starting engine creates spark-
ing. Sparking can ignite nearby
flammable gases. Explosion and
fire could result.
If thereisa naturalor LP gas leakagein area,do not
• Do not usepressurizedstartingfluidsbecausevapors
are flammable.
ngines give off carbon mon-
oxide, an odorless, colorless,
poisonous gas. Breathing carbon
monoxide can cause nausea,
fainting, or death.
Start and run engineoutdoors.
• Do not startor run enginein enclosedarea,evenif
doorsor windowsare open.
nintentional sparking can result
in fire or electric shock. Unin-
tentional start-up can result in
entanglement, traumatic amputa-
tion, or laceration.
Beforepeforming adjustmentsor repairs,disconnect
sparkplug wireand keepitawayfrom spark plug.
• Whentestingfor spark,use approvedspark plug
Do notcheckfor spark with sparkplug removed.

