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MTD 44M Operator's Manual page 19

21" rotary mower
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IMPORTANT: U sedmotoroil may causeskin cancer
if repeatedly left in contactwith the skin for prolonged
periods.Althoughthis is unlikelyunlessyou handleused
oil on a dailybasis,it is still advisableto thoroughlywash
yourhandswith soapand wateras soon as possible
after handlingusedoil.
NOTE:Pleasedisposeof usedmotoroil in a mannerthat
is compatiblewith the environment. W e suggestyoutake
it in a sealedcontainerto yourlocal servicestationfor
reclamation.Donot throwit in the trash or pourit on the
Air Cleaner
A dirty air cleanerwill restrictair flow to the carburetor.
Topreventcarburetormalfunction,servicethe air cleaner
enginein extremelydustyareas.
ARNING:Never use gasolineor low
flash pointsolventsfor cleaningthe
air cleaner element.A fire or explosion
could result.
IMPORTANT:Neverrunthe enginewithouttheair
cleaner.Rapidenginewearwill result.
1. Removethe wing boltand the air cleanercover.
Removethe elementsand separatethem. See Figure
10-2.Carefullycheck bothelementsfor holesor tears
and replaceif damaged.
2. Foam element: Wash theelementin a solutionof
householddetergentand warm water,then rinse
thoroughly, o r wash in nonflammable or high flash
pointsolvent.Allowtheelementto dry thoroughly.
Soakthe elementin cleanengineoil and squeezeout
theexcessoil. The enginewill smokeduring initial
start-upif too muchoil is left in the foam.
3. Paper element: Taptheelementlightly severaltimes
on a hard surfaceto removeexcessdirt, or blow
compressed air throughthe filterfrom the insideout.
Nevertry to brushthedirt off; brushingwillforce
dirt intothe fibers.Replacethe paperelementif it is
excessively dirty.
Foam Element
Figure 10-2: S ervicing t heair cleaner.
Spark Plug
Spark Plug
Figure 10-3: Thespark plugandboot.
Plug Service
ARNING:DONOT check for spark
with spark plugremoved. DONOT crank
engine with spark plug removed.
Toensureproperengineoperation,thespark plug must
be properlygappedand free of deposits.
1. Removethe spark plug bootand usea sparkplug
wrenchto removethe plug.See Figure10-3.
WARNING:if the engine has been
running, the muffler will be very hot. Be
carefulnot to touch the muffler.
2. Visuallyinspectthe spark plug.Discardthe sparkplug
if thereis apparentwear,or if the insulatoriscracked
or chipped.Cleanthe sparkplug with a wirebrushif it
is to be reused.
Never use gasoline
or low flash point sol-
vents for cleaning the
air cleaner element.
A fire or explosion
could result.
DO NOT check for
spark with spark plug
removed. DO NOT
crank engine with
spark plug removed.
if the engine has
been running, the
muffler will be very
hot. Be careful not to
touch the muffler.

