Traffic Program (Tp); Traffic Program Station - Display / Select; Announcement Standby - Switch On/Off - Ferrari stereo Operation Manual

Ferrari operation guide stereo
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USEnglisch.bk : Seite 14 Freitag, Februar 1, 2002 10:33 AM

Traffic Program (TP)

The traffic program system offers the advantage that current traffic news can
be received and heard despite the fact that Tape or CD/MDC are selected. For
this purpose, it is essential that a traffic program station is selected in the FM
waveband and that the traffic program is activated.

Traffic program station - display / select

If a traffic program station is selected, the abbreviation T appears.
Press the
button and a station search will begin to locate the next station
broadcasting the TP identifier.
The station can also be selected by station search or by direct frequency entry.

Announcement standby - switch on/off

If the selected traffic program station should interrupt the tape, CD/MDC
operation for traffic announcements, the
abbreviation TP is displayed.
If traffic announcements are not desired, the
the abbreviation T appears.
During the traffic announcement, the desired increase in volume
Note :
can be set via the volume button. An announcement which is
currently being heard can be terminated by pressing the
The unit then immediately switches back to the previously selected
operating mode. However, the next traffic announcement is
connected through again.
button must be pressed until the
button must be pressed until
Radio Operation


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