Samsung MV800 User Manual page 128

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Personal injury or death can Occur if the battery is
handled ca[elessly or improperly. For your safety,
{ollow these instructions for proper battery handling:
, The t_ttery can igr/iteor @xplodeif not ha_d!ed
propody. _r yo.J n@ticoany deformities, craoks, or other
abnormalities i:::the battery, imrr:ediatelydisso0t]nue use
of the battery 6nd contact a service Ce:}teh
• Use 0nly authentic, manufaoturer-recomrnond battery
chargers and adaptors and chargo t!:e battery 0nly by
the mothods described in this user manual.
' Do not place the battery near heating devices or expose
it to excessively warm environments; sueh as tt]e il?side
of an enclosed car in the summertime.
Do not place the battery ir_a micr@wave oyen.
• Avoid stori_g or using the batt@ryin hot, !_umidplaces,
suph as spas 0r s!!ower eAqlosures_
, Do not rest the device on flamrnable surfaces, such as
bedding, oarpets, o( eleqtrio blankets for a proIonged
W!_er_ the devioe is switched on, do not leave it in any
confined space for a prol0nged period.
Do not allow battery terminals to come in contact with
, Use only authontic, manufacturer-recommended,
Lithiumdor/replaoomer/t batteries.
* Do not aJsassemeletne oaT_ery or puncture _wtnan
3narp oDjeoT
- Avod e Dosing_ne )aT_ory r ) Ngn pressure o srusnlng
- Avod exposing the battery to rnajor irnpacts, suon as
z _Dpng t trorr
gn p_aees
* Do not expose tne oaT_ery t c tomooratures of 60 °C
,140 °F/or above
- Dc not alow [ne base, to come a contact w£rl
"_ ) BIUr_ Or Ilaulas
Do not @s o ose _ne Da_[e[}
[0 SOUrCeE
excess ve nea_
_ucn as a[rec_sunsn[ne tire or the Ike
Dseose ot the COTTer_!_ncare
* Do not @soose of the battery n a fro
- Disposa regJlat ons may d fief by COL _ryor reg or
s }oso of the battery _nacooroance w _na local ant
r_G JaTC 3S
for charging
the battery
Charge _ne battery only Dy _ne me,no® oescnDeo r
_nls sor manual, The : _ery can ignite or oxf )do if
no_ char yea propory.
Appendixes 127


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