Hotpoint RES0730 Owner's Manual page 11

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Time Defrost
Allowsyou to defrostfor a selectedlengthof time.
Seethe Defrosting Guide for suggested times.
(AutoDefrostexplainedinthe Aboutthe auto
Press TimeDefrost.
defrosting time.
Press Start/pause.
L_ Turnthefood overafter halfthetime.
Press Start/pause.
Powerlevelisautomaticallg set at 3,but canbe
changed. Y oucan defrostsmallitemsquicklgbg
raisingthe powerlevelafter enteringthetime.
Powerlevel7cutsthe total defrostingtime in
abouthalf;power level 1 0 cutsthe total time
to approximatelg1/3.However, food will need
morefrequentattentionthan usual.
Atone half of selected defrostingtime,turn food
overand breakapart or rearrange pieces for more
evendefrosting. S hield ang warm areaswith small
piecesoffoil.Theovenwill continueto defrostif
gou don'topenthe doorand turn the food.
A dullthumping noisenag be heardduring
defrosting. T hisisnormalwhenovenis not
operatingat High powe_
Defrosting Tips
• Foods frozenin paperor plasticcan be
defrostedin the package.Closed packages
shouldbe slit,piercedor ventedAFTER
foodhas partiallgdefrosted. P lasticstorage
containersshouldbe partiallguncovered.
• Familg-size, prepackaged frozendinners
can bedefrostedand microwaved. I fthe
foodis in a foilcontainer, t ransferitto a
microwave-safe dish.
• Foods that spoileasilgshouldnot be allowedto
sit out for morethan one hour after defrosting.
Roomtemperaturepromotesthe growthof
• Formoreevendefrostingd largerfoods,such
as roasts, u seAuto Defrost. Besurelarge
meatsare completelgdefrostedbeforecooking.
• Whendefrosted, f oodshouldbe cool but
softenedin all areas.If stillslightlgicg,returnto
the microwave ovenvergbrieflg,or let it stand
a few minutes.
Breads, Cakes
Bread, buns or rails (1 piece)
1/2 min,
Sweet rolls (approx. 12 oz.)
3 to 5 min.
Rearrange after half the time.
Fish and Seafood
Fillets, frozen (1 lb.)
6 to 9 rain.
Shellfish, small pieces (1 lb.)
6 to 9 rain.
Place block in casserole. Turn over and break up after half the time.
Plastic pouch-1
2 to 6 min.
(l O-oz. package)
Bacon (1 lb.)
Franks (1 lb.)
Ground meat (1 lb.)
Roast: beef, lamb, veal, pork
Steaks, chops and cutlets
Chicken, broiler-fryer, cut up
(21/2to 3 Ibs.)
Chicken, w hole (21/2 to 3 IbsJ
Turkey breast (4 to 6 Ibs.)
4 to 7 rain.
4 to 7 rain.
10 to 12 rain.
9to 13 rain.
per lb.
9 to 13 rain.
per Ib.
26 to 32 rain.
26 to 32 rain.
7 to 13 rain.
per lb.
9 to 14 rain.
per lb.
Place unopened package in oven. Let stand 5 minutes after defrosting.
Place unopened package in oven. [vlicrowave just until franks can be separated.
Let stand 5 minutes, if necessarg, to complete defrosting.
Turn meat over after first half of time.
Use power level 1.
Placeunwrapped meat in cooking dish.Turn overafter first half of time and shield
warm areaswith foil.After second half of time, separate pieceswith table knife.
Letstand to complete defrosting.
Placewrapped chickenin dish. Unwrap and turn over after first half of time.
After secondhalf of time, separate piecesand placein cooking dish. Microwave
2 to 4 minutes more,if necessarg.Letstand o few minutesto finish defrosting.
Placewrapped chickenin dish.After half the time, unwrap and turn chickenover.
Shieldwarm areaswith foil. Tocomplete defrosting,run cold water in the covitg
until giblets can be removed.
Placeunwrapped hen in the oven breast-side-up.Turnover after first half of time.
Runcool water in the cavitg until gibletscon be removed.
Placeunwrapped breast in microwave-safedishbreast-side-down.After first half
of time, turn breast-side-upand shieldworm areaswith foil. Defrostfor second
half of time. Letstand i to 2 hoursin refrigeratorto complete defrosting.


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