and California
and Lawn
and Garden
The U. S. En_ronmental Protection Agency {'EPA"), the California Air Resources
Board ('CAR B") and Sears, Roebuck and Co. am pleased to explain the Federal and
Caltfomla Emission Control Systems Warranty on your new utility or lawn and garden
equipment engine. In Calltomle, new 1995 and later utll'dll,y
and lawn and garden
equipment engines must be designed, builtand equipped te meet the State's
stdngent anlt-smng standards. In other states, new 1997 and later modal year
engines must be designed, built and equipped, at the tme of sale, to meet the U.S.
EPA regulations for small non-r_ad engines. Sears, Roebuck and Co. willwarrant
the emission conta_ system on your utilityor lawn and garden equipment engine for
the periods of time listed below, provided there has been no abuse, neglect.
unapwoved modltk:aticn, or improper malnter_nce of your utilityor lawn and garden
equlpment engine.
Your emission control system may k_clude ports such _ the carburetor, ignition
system and exhaust system. Also instuded may be the compression release system
and other emlaskm-mlated assembles.
Where a warrantable condition exists, Sears, Roebuck and Co. will repair your utility
c_ lawn and garden equipment engine at no cost to you for diagnosis, parts and labor.
Emlaalon contrbl systems on 1995 and later modal year Caltomla ofilty and tawn and
ga,-den equipn_nt engines am wananteq tee two yearn as beminafter noted, in other
states. 1997 andlater modalye_'engthes,, am alsowarraateq
for two years, if, during
such wananty bedod, any em,..ss_on-mlated pad on your engine is dafectve in
matedale or workmanship, the part will be repaired o_" t eqlaced by S_us, P, o abuck
and CO.
As the utti_'or lawn and garden equipment engine owner, you are responsible for the
rlarmance of the required maintenance r_sted in your Owner's Manual, but Sears,
_: _eo_uck
aed CO. will not deny warranty solely due te the lack of recstpta or fo_your
failure to provide written evidence of the performance of all scheduled maintenance.
As the utilityor lawn and garden equipment engine owner, you should, however, be
aware that Sears, Roebuck and Co. may deny you warranty coverage if your utility
lawn and garden equipment or a part thereof has fallad due to abuse, negleof,
improper maintenance or unepproved modifications.
You are respor_siblafor beDsentng your utilityor lawn and garden equlpmest engine
to a Sears, Roebuck and Co. Authorized Setvtae Outlet as soon as a problem exists.
The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable amount of time, n_ to
exceed 30 days.
Warranty ser_ce can be ananged by contacting either a Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Authorized Service Outlet, or by contacting Sears, Roebuck and Co. at 1-800-473-
This warranty statement explains your rights and obl_a_ons under the Emission
Control System Warran_ ('ECS Warranty") which is provided to you by Sears,
Roebuck and Co. pursuant to California law. S_e also the Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Umiteq Warranties for Sears, Roebuck and Co. which is enclosed therewith on a
separste sheet and also is provk_
to you by Seers, Roequck and Co. Tbe ECS
Warranty abplles only to the emisalon conth_l system of you,"new engine. Totbe
extent that there is any conflict in terms between the ECS WaNananty and the Sears,
Roebuck and CO.Warranty, the ECS Warranty shall apply excab_ in any circumstanc-
es in which the Sears, Roebuck and Co. Wan an_ rnay _
a ldnger warranty
period. Both the ECS Warranty and the Sears, Roabuck and CO. Warranty describe
importent rights and obligations.wlthrespect to your new engine.
Warranty service can only be performed by a Sears, Roebuck and CO.Authorized
Service Outlet. At the time of requesting warranty sewice, evidence must be
presented of the date of sale to the original pumhaser. The purchaser shall pay any
charges for maldng service ca,s and/or for transpo_ng the products to and fTOm the
place whom the inspection and/or warranty wed_ is bet foctned. The p_chaser shall
De responsible for any damage or loss incurred in connection with the transportation
of any engine or any pstt(s) thereof supm_ed fo_inspeclto_ angler warranty work.
If you have any questons regardingyour warranty rights and respenall_ltbes, you
should contact Sears, Roebuck and Co. at 1-800-473-7247.
Emtas_n Control System Warranty ('ECS Warranty_ for 1995 and later model year
Calif c<nlautility and lawn and garaen equipment engines (for other states, t 997 and
later model year entries):
This warrant'/shall apply to 1995 and later model year
California utllty and lawn and gamen equipment engines (for other states, 1997 and
later modal year en_nes). The ECS Warrant'/Period shall begin on the date the new
engine or equipment Is deliVered to its odginal, end-use purchaser and shall continue
for 24 consecutive months thereafter.
Seam, Roebuck and CO.
warrants to the original, end.use purchaser of the new engine ot equipment and to
each subsequent purchaser that each of its utility and lawn and garden equipment
engines is:
1. Designeq, builtand equipped so as te conform with all applicabla regulations
adopted by the Air Resources Board pursuant to its authority in Chapters 1
and 2, Part 5, DMsion 26 of the Heaffh and Safety Code, and
2. Free flora defects in materials and workmanship whk;h, at any time dud_
ECS Warranty Pedod, will cause a warranted emP'_sions-ndated part to fall to
he identical in all matedal respects to the pad as described in the engine
manufacturefs appltcaben for certification.
C, The ECSWarranty onlypertains to emissions-related dartsonyourengine,as
1. Anywan'anted, er_sslans-related p artswhich ate natscheduled for
replacement as required maintenance In theOwner'sManualshaltbe
warranted forthe ECSwarrantyPeriod.if any suchpadfailsduring the ECS
WanantyPabod, i f shallbe redalred or replaceq by Sears,Roabuck andCO.
according toSubeecton 4 beinw. Any suchpartrepa!req or rabteced under
theEC3 Warrantyshallbe warranted forany remainder oftheECSWarranty
2. Any warranted, emisalons-ralateq gart which is sofleduleq only for regular
_ I_pedfled in the Owner's Manual shall be watmated foe the ECS
Pabed. A mtement ta _ch
wriften _
to the effeof of
or reptece as necess_y', shall not reduce the ECS Warranty Pedod.
Any sush pad repalreq or replaced under the ECS Wan-anty shstl be
wananteq for the rernalndet of the ECS Warranty Pedod.
3. Anywarranteq, e mlaalons-rstated bert whkthisschedofed forreplacemant a s
required maintenance intheOwner'sManual,shallbe warranted forthe
bedodof tane WIorte thetirstscheduled replacement gairdfor _at parL If the
parHallspriortothe firstschedulad replacement, the partsh_ be mpeired or
replaced by Sears,Roebuck andCO.according toSubsection 4 below. Any
oucher!!salons-related part repaired or replaced undattheECSWarranty,
shallbe warrantedforthe remainder oftheECS WarrantyPerladpriortothe
firstscheduled replacement p oint f orsuchemisalons-ralateq part.
4. Repair or replacement of any warranted, emisalons-ralateq part under thle
ECS Warranty shall be performed at no charge to the owner at a Sears,
Roebuck and Co. Authorized Setvioe OutlaL
5. The owner shall not be chergad for dlagnostta labor which laeds to the
dsterminatla_ that aapartcoveredby the ECS Wanandy is in fact defective,
provided that such diegno_tc workis pedorrned at a ,_ears, Roebuck and Co.
Authodzed Service Outlet.
6. Sears, Roebuck andCo. shellbe liablefordamagesto otheroriginal e ngine
components o r approved modificationspro_dmataly causedby a failure under
warranty ofanemlsalon-related
part c overed bytheECS Warranty.
7. Throughout the ECS Warranty Period, Seam, R_b_ck
and Co. shall rnalntaln
a supply of warranted erblsalo_-related parts surf'dent to meet the expected
demand for such emisalo_-related parts.
8. Any Sears, Roebuck and CO. authodzeq and abp
ed emisston-relateq
reglacemeat pad ma;/be used in the berfonnanoe of any ECS Warraaty
maintenance or raba_rand will be prm_bed w_hout charge to the owner. Such
use shall not reduce Sears, Roebuck and Co. ECS Warranty ob_lgaltons.
9. Unapproved odd-on or modltied parts may not be used to mndlty or repair a
Sears, Roebuck and Co. engine.
Such use voids this ECS Warranty and shall
be sufficient grounds for disallowing an ECS Warranty claim. Seam, Roebuck
and CO. shall not be Ilabla hereunder for failures of any warranted parts of a
Seam, Roebuck and Co. engine caused by the use of such an unapproved
odd-on or modlhnd pad.
1. Carburetor Assembly and its Internal Components
! Fual tilter
Cerbundor gaskets
Intake pipe
2. Air Cleaner Assembly
a) Air filter element
3. ignition System, inblud_:
a) spe_pl.g
b I niton module
4. Cota.lyUc Muffler Of so eqUil_Oed)
a Mufflar gaskst 0f so equtobeo)
b Exhaust manifold (tiso equipped}
5. Crankcase Breather Assembly and its Components
a) Breather conneofkm tabe
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hqffman Estates, IL 60179
Page 6
7,22.97 E_A_ARB