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Budda Twinmaster Operating Settings


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Hi Gain/Normal Inputs: There are two inputs that access different gain structures from the
TwinMaster. This particular design circuit is a cascade front end drive circuit, therefore you
can only access one input at a time. The Normal input has slightly dininished gain and has a
tone reminiscent of an early Fender black face Deluxe. Sweet and smooth, this input is great
for power chords, rhythm and slide. The Hi Gain input is designed for maximum distortion
and is reminiscent of a hybrid Plexi Marshall/Ac 30 combo.
Bass & Treble Controls: Depending on whether or not you use single coils or humbuckers,
2x12's, 4x12's, etc., you will find the treble control likes to sit between 12 o'clock and 4 and
the bass control between 10 O'clock and 2. Feel free to experiment. There are no rules when
finding your tone!
Volume: This controls the amount of gain for both inputs of the amp. Start by setting this
control at around 12 o'clock. Feel the power section start to work with lots of headroom and
punch behind your rhythm chords. As you turn the control clockwise you will add gain to your
signal for great crunch tones. Fully clockwise offers great crunch and lead tones. Rolling off
the volume of your guitars volume pot off between 5 and 7 will clean up the signal without
muddying up the tone of your amp. The amp is equipped with capacitors to maximize the
clarity and brightness of your signal as you roll off your guitars volume pot. As you turn up the
volume incrementally on your guitar, you can essentially go from rhythm, to crunch, to lead
drive. This works on both inputs of the amplifier and is considered the "purist" form of
channel switching.
Effects Loop: This is where you introduce effects into the signal path of your amplifier.To
hook up an effect to your amp, take a 1/4" shielded mono cable and run the send of the amp
to the input of the effect and run the output of the effect into the return on your amp.
Slave: The slave out is an identical replication of the signal coming off the speaker outputs of
your amp with a padded eq circuit. Feel free to experiment by sending the Slave Out signal to
an external stereo power amp feeding a couple of 2x12 or 4x12 extensions for a wall o sound!
Another option is to send the Slave Out signal to a recording console for DI tones to tape, or
send it to a board for a signal feed to the mains for live applications in a club or arena. When
slaving make sure that there is always a load on the speaker out of your amp.
* A note of interest is that the power section of this amplifier is an extremely powerful and we
recommend using Budda extension cabinets that are fine tuned to the Twinmaster electronics
for maximum sonic performance. Some cabinets with minimum baffle space may sound
woofy, especially with low wattage speakers.
**Budda also recommends that you wear ear plugs to avoid the serious complications of
hearing loss. Budda says; Steer Clear of Bad Ear!

