Dell Streak Manual

Dell Streak Manual

Dell mobile sync manual
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Dell Mobile Sync


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  • Page 1 Dell Mobile Sync Manual...
  • Page 2 Vision, Nero Vision Xtra, Burn-At-Once, InCD, LayerMagic, Liquid Media, the SecurDisc logo and UltraBuffer are common law trademarks or registered trademarks of Nero AG. Dell, the DELL logo, Dell Mobile Sync, Dell Thunder and Dell Streak are trademarks of Dell Inc.
  • Page 3 The trademarks mentioned here are named for information purposes only. All trade names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Designs, images and other depictions of products may change from when this publication was produced. Nero AG, Im Stoeckmaedle 18, D-76307 Karlsbad, Germany Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Start Successfully About the Application Versions of Dell Mobile Sync Installing the Application Working with Dell Mobile Sync User Interface Main Window Library Management and Options Music Browsing Screen Photo Browsing Screen Photo Editing Video Browsing Screen...
  • Page 5 Starting Music Playback (Library or Playlist) Starting Audio CD Playback Starting Video Playback (Library) Creating and Editing Creating a Slide Show Personalize Your Slide Show Creating a Photo & Video Album Creating a Playlist General Editing of Photos Removing Red Eyes Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 6 Adding Effects to Photos Cropping a Photo Importing from Discs and Devices Setting Up Device Ripping from Audio CD Saving and Restoring Saving Device Data in a Backup Restoring Device Data Publishing Burning to Disc Uploading to Community Index Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 7: Start Successfully

    You can play back your photos and videos right on your PC with all the convenience of a built-in player. Dell Mobile Sync also allows you to create your own album collections for photos and videos. You can preview all your collections within a slide show mode.
  • Page 8: Installing The Application

    Close all Microsoft Windows programs and exit any antivirus software that may be running. Dell Mobile Sync can be installed from a downloaded executable file, or from the autorun executable file on your SD card. (Device connected to your computer.) Start the installation process by double-clicking the installation file.
  • Page 9: Working With Dell Mobile Sync

    You can also just drag files or folders to Dell Mobile Sync. A window will automatically open and ask if you would like to add the folder to the library. In addition, files can be imported into your media libraries from mobile devices connected to your computer.
  • Page 10 (e.g. a file selection, edited photos or a personalized slide show) is also possible out of any browsing and editing screen. See also  Main Window → 11  Library Management and Options → 15  Devices → 51 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 11: User Interface

    The application is started with one of the browsing screens displayed. It is opened in the stack view of the library group that you used the last time Dell Mobile Sync was started. The stacks are the entry points into the detailed browsing view.
  • Page 12 PC), Dell Mobile Sync offers to remove the listing from the library. You can also just drag files or folders to Dell Mobile Sync. A window will automatically open and ask if you would like to add the folder to the library.
  • Page 13 Optical Discs main entry in the navigation tree on the left. The Dell Mobile Sync optical disc player supports playback of CD. Playback view and task bar are displayed. Switching to full screen view is possible.
  • Page 14 You can transfer playlists and single media files from the iTunes lists in Dell Mobile Sync to your handset. However, it is not possible to copy files from your mobile phone to the iTunes playlists.
  • Page 15: Library Management And Options

    Library Management and Options Some of the features mentioned here are only available with Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The Options window is opened when you click the button on the upper task bar of the main window.
  • Page 16 The library is refreshed when launching Dell Mobile Sync. You can also just drag files or folders to Dell Mobile Sync. A window automatically opens and asks if you would like to add the folder(s) to the library. To delete a folder from the application's watch list, click the button.
  • Page 17: Music Browsing Screen

     Main Window → 11 Music Browsing Screen Some of the features mentioned here are only available with Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. In the music browsing screen you can browse the items of your Music library group. The screen is displayed in the stack view when you choose the Music library entry in the navigation tree on the left.
  • Page 18 Zooms into or out of the browsing view. Zoom Input field Uses key word search to search for file names, artists, albums and titles. Results will be displayed in detailed browsing view. The sorting Search criteria will be the artist. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 19 Button Plays the currently played item, selection, album or playlist again. Repeats the current playback or a complete playlist Button Adjusts the volume. Activating the additional Mute button below the slider mutes the background music. Volume Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 20 Opens the Get Meta Data window. Information With Gracenote MusicID Dell Mobile Sync can identify music files out of any sort of audio compilation. So called metadata such as artist, title, and genre are accessed from the Gracenote Media Database and displayed in Dell Mobile Sync.
  • Page 21: Photo Browsing Screen

    At least one item must be selected. Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. At least one item or stack must be selected. Music recognition technology and related data are provided by Gracenote®.
  • Page 22 A preselection may be useful if you want to start an instant slide show that plays back only selective photos. Photo browsing screen Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 23 You can preselect the photos and movies you want to play back in your instant slide show. Select the check box displayed in the upper left corner to select the item. Displays the Editing Photos screen in which you can view, edit, and Button enhance your photos. Edit Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 24 When a favorite item is selected, the entry in the additional functionalities pop-up menu changes to Remove from Favorites. To remove an item or stack from your list of favorites, click this entry. At least one item or stack must be selected. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 25: Photo Editing

    At least one item must be selected. Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. At least one item or stack must be selected. Open with...
  • Page 26 (on the right) effect of an applied modification. Split view A second click closes the split screen mode. Fits the displayed item to the size of the content area. The aspect Button ratio is kept. Fit to screen Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 27 Not available for photos belonging to slide show compilations. Button Opens the Modify window in which you can choose from several effects, adjustments and enhancements presented on three Modify correspondent tabs. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 28 It offers an alternative to the manual color correction. The Auto Enhance button automatically improves the quality based on terms of reference. The same function is available via the Auto Enhance button on the lower task bar. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 29 At least one item or stack must be selected. Publish/Burn Displays the Publish screen in which you can collect items or preselections and burn or export those. At least one item must be selected. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 30: Video Browsing Screen

    Hide Media Info. To close or hide the pop-up area, choose this entry. Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. Open with Opens a Windows Explorer window that shows the respective...
  • Page 31 To avoid conflicts, any ongoing background music is suspended and the own sound of the item is played back. You can preselect the movies you want to play back. Select the check box that is displayed in the upper left corner to select the item. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 32 The Media Info pop-up area stays open in the lower left of the window. The entry in the additional functionalities pop-up menu changes to Hide Media Info. To close or hide the pop-up area, choose this entry. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 33: Video Playback Screen

    At least one item must be selected. Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. At least one item or stack must be selected. Open with...
  • Page 34 In the lower left of the screen a thumbnail of the currently playing video and a time display is shown. In addition, the following setting options are available on the lower task bar: Button Stops playback. Stop Button Rewinds/fast forwards the playing item. Rewind/Fast forward Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 35 You can remove items or stacks from your list of favorites again. When a favorite item is selected, the entry in the additional functionalities pop-up menu changes to Remove from Favorites. To remove an item or stack from your list of favorites, click this entry. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 36: Slide Show Screen

    Displays possible options for the set up of aspect ratio. Screen Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. Open with Opens a Windows Explorer window that shows the respective browser...
  • Page 37 Click the Collapse the storyboard button to scale down the thumbnail strip again. The following setting options are available on the lower task bar: Button Skips to the previous/next item. Skip back/Skip to next track Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 38: Personalize Slide Show Window

     Creating a Slide Show → 59 Personalize Slide Show Window This feature is only available with the Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The Personalize slide show window is opened when you click one of the buttons in the Personalize Slide Show area on the left of the Slide show screen.
  • Page 39 The following input areas are available on the Titles tab: Opening title Shows the default text for the intro title of the selected template. You can modify the text. Other text attributes such as font and alignment are defined by the template and cannot be modified. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 40: Album Screen

     Personalize Your Slide Show → 60 Album Screen Some of the features mentioned here are only available with Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. Your album compilations are listed under the Photo & Video Albums entry in the navigation tree;...
  • Page 41 Uses key word search to search for file names. Results will be displayed in detailed browsing view. Search The following setting options are available on the lower task bar: Button Starts playback of an album. Albums are played in full screen view. Play Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 42 At least one item or stack must be selected. Open With Opens a Windows Explorer window that shows the respective Windows Explorer browser path to the directory in which the selected item is stored on your computer. At least one item must be selected. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 43: Photo Editing

     Creating a Photo & Video Album → 61 Photo Editing Some of the features mentioned here are only available with Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The Editing Photos screen is displayed when you click the Edit button in the photo browsing, a slide show or album screen.
  • Page 44 Fit to screen Button Displays an item in the full screen view. Double-clicking a photo in the content area also starts the full screen view. Fullscreen Drop-down menu Zooms into and out of the content view. with slider Zoom Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 45 The width, height and position of the cropped area can be adjusted after the cropping tool has been released. Once you are happy with the defined size, click the Apply button to cut down the item. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 46 Lists color and editing effects you can choose from to modify your photos. If you place the mouse pointer on an effect thumbnail, a preview of the result is displayed in the Editing Photos screen. Click the thumbnail to actually apply the desired effect. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 47 Hide Media Info. To close or hide the pop-up area, choose this entry. Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. Open with Opens a Windows Explorer window that shows the respective...
  • Page 48: Video Playback Screen

    Video Playback Screen Some of the features mentioned here are only available with Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The Playback screen is displayed when you click the Start Playback button in the video browsing screen or when you start playback from an optical disc. Playback is also started if you are double-clicking a video in one of your albums.
  • Page 49 At least one item must be selected. to the Internet or to disc Button Rotates a selected item 90° to the left or to the right. Rotate counter- clockwise/Rotate clockwise Button Displays more features. Additional functionalities Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 50: Audio Cd Browsing And Playback

    Displays possible options for the set up of aspect ratio. Screen Delete Deletes an item or a whole stack from Dell Mobile Sync and from its folder on your computer. Open with Opens a Windows Explorer window that shows the respective browser...
  • Page 51: Devices

    The Devices entry in the navigation tree lists all devices connected to your computer. For each connected device, a [Device name] entry is available from the start. Dell Mobile Sync displays the device name provided in the system device properties. Selecting the [Device name] entry in the navigation tree displays the device browsing screen.
  • Page 52 Basically, Dell Mobile Sync supports a simple import of media from all mobile devices connected to your computer – no matter if the device is still unknown to the Nero device database.
  • Page 53: Apple Device

    Apple Device. Dell Mobile Sync automatically converts the files into the iTunes format. Files in formats compatible with iTunes (AAC, AIFF, AIF, WAV, WAVE and MP3) will not be converted.
  • Page 54: Dell Devices

    Dell Devices Dell devices are fully supported in Dell Mobile Sync. For each Dell device, default folders for music, photos and videos are displayed below the main [Device name] entry. Dell Mobile Sync automatically detects the best settings and optimizes your content. Music is transcoded into MP3 (except for AAC or M4P files);...
  • Page 55: Publish Screen

     Setting Up Device → 67 Publish Screen Some of the features mentioned here are only available with Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. Clicking the publishing button in one of the browsing screens displays the Publish screen.
  • Page 56 The total project size is displayed for your information. Upload Publishes your current compilation to an Internet community. Click the Upload button and choose your preferred community from the tabs displayed. See also  Burning to Disc → 72  Uploading to Community → 72 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 57: Browsing And Playback

    You have started the playback of your tracks, albums or of a playlist. See also  Music Browsing Screen → 17 Starting Audio CD Playback This feature is only available with the Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 58: Starting Video Playback (Library)

    If you selected your video from a stack that contains more than one video, the playback is automatically continued with the following video. You have started the playback of your video. See also  Video Browsing Screen → 30  Video Playback Screen → 33 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 59: Creating And Editing

    Creating and Editing Creating a Slide Show This feature is only available with the Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The following requirement must be fulfilled: ► Desired photos are available in the Photos library. To create a slide show, proceed as follows: Click the Photos library entry in the navigation tree on the left.
  • Page 60: Personalize Your Slide Show

     Personalize Your Slide Show → 60  Slide Show Screen → 36 Personalize Your Slide Show This feature is only available with the Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The following requirement must be fulfilled: ►...
  • Page 61: Creating A Photo & Video Album

    Click the Create a new album button that is displayed at the right hand side of the Photo & Video Albums entry (in the navigation tree) when you hover over it with your mouse pointer. A window is opened. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 62: Creating A Playlist

    A detailed browsing view is displayed with focus on the first item. All other items of the selected stack are listed below, a scrollbar on the right screen margin enables you to scroll the detailed browsing view. Hover the mouse pointer over an item you want to add to your playlist. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 63: General Editing Of Photos

    If you place your mouse pointer on an item, a preview is shown. It will fade out when you move the mouse pointer away. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 64: Removing Red Eyes

    Click the Red Eye Removal button on the lower task bar. The Red Eye Removal window is opened. The mouse pointer is changed into a cross. Press the left mouse button and keep it pressed to define the size and position of the Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 65: Adding Effects To Photos

    Cropping a Photo The following requirement must be fulfilled: The desired photo is opened for editing in the Editing Photos screen. ► To crop your photo, proceed as follows: Click the Crop button on the lower task bar. Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 66 Click the back button in the upper left of the screen to return to the previous screen. All changes are automatically saved to the photo. You have cropped a photo. See also  General Editing of Photos → 63 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 67: Importing From Discs And Devices

    Importing from Discs and Devices Setting Up Device If your connected device is not automatically recognized by Dell Mobile Sync, a wizard guides you through an easy setup to make it work. To set up your connected device, proceed as follows: Connect the device to your computer.
  • Page 68: Ripping From Audio Cd

    See also  Set up Devices → 54 Ripping from Audio CD This feature is only available with the Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. To rip single tracks or a whole album from CD, proceed as follows: Insert the respective Audio CD into the disc drive of your computer.
  • Page 69: Saving And Restoring

    Saving and Restoring Saving Device Data in a Backup This feature is only available for Dell devices. To save important phone data in a backup, proceed as follows: Connect the device to your computer. Click the Devices > [Device name] entry in the navigation tree on the left.
  • Page 70: Restoring Device Data

    See also  Dell Devices → 54 Restoring Device Data This feature is only available for Dell devices. To restore phone data from a backup, proceed as follows: Connect the device to your computer. Click the Devices > [Device name] entry in the navigation tree on the left.
  • Page 71 If you restore parts, select from the additional list of check boxes displayed. Click the Restore button in the lower right of the screen. The restore process is started. You have restored phone data from a backup. See also  Dell Devices → 54 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 72: Publishing

    Publishing Burning to Disc This feature is only available with the Dell Mobile Sync Premium version installed on your computer. The following requirement must be fulfilled: ► The desired files or project is available in the respective browsing or editing screen.
  • Page 73 Add all expected and your desired metadata into the input fields. Click the Upload button. The uploading process is started. You have uploaded a file or a project to an Internet community. See also  Publish Screen → 55 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 74 Creating slide show ....23, 31, 59 Importing ..........16 Crop frame ........28, 45 Importing from device ......14 Cropping manually ....28, 45, 66 Instant slide show ....22, 27, 31, 45 Cropping photo........65 Dell Mobile Sync...
  • Page 75 Random playback ........ 19 Red eye removal ...... 27, 45, 64 Zoom ...... 18, 23, 27, 31, 41, 44 Removing red eyes ....27, 45, 64 Renaming title ........ 25, 33 Repeating title ........19 Restore ..........70 Dell Mobile Sync...

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