Table of Contents


automatically stopped or started. There is, however, a separate MTE class in CCMS
for these self-starters. You can assign an auto-reaction method to this MTE class
yourself to react to alerts. You can, for example, use the MTE class
CCMS_OnAlert_Email to send an e-mail or an SMS (see "Defining Automatic Alert
Notification" and "Forwarding Alerts to Alert Management (ALM)" on the SAP
For more information about application-server-starters and self-starters, see:
Virus Scan Server as an Application Server Starter
Installing a Virus Scan Server as a Self-Starter
Virus Scan
With this use of the virus scan server, all required components are in the working
Server as an
directory of the SAP Web AS kernel on one host. The virus scan server is included in the
standard system. This means that you only have to ensure that the prerequisites for the
operation of the application-server-starter are fulfilled:
You have installed the external anti-virus product and the associated virus scan
adapter in accordance with the instructions provided by the vendor.
The kernel directory contains the following components:
Installing a
The self-starter is available to you as an alternative if you cannot use the application-
Virus Scan
server-starter, for example in the following cases:
Server as a Self-
The SAP Web AS kernel uses 64 bits and the external anti-virus product or the
external virus scan adapter (VSA) uses 32 bits.
The SAP Web AS and the external anti-virus product support different architectures.
For example, the SAP Web AS is installed on an AIX platform, but the anti-virus
product is only available for Microsoft Windows.
The self-starter starts the virus scan engine using a local XML configuration file. This
is usually the file vscan_rfc.xml, which contains the parameters required by the virus
scan adapter. The server must be started, or, if necessary, restarted using operating
system resources.
Copy the relevant variant of the virus scan server from the CD or the SAP Service
Marketplace to a start directory.
Create the configuration file using the commands listed in the table below, with
which you can later also change the existing configuration.
The following call generates both the server and the VSA configuration for savapi.dll
(Windows) or libantivirvsa.so.<version> (UNIX):
To set new parameters to overwrite existing parameters, execute additional commands
and options in a new call. These are then set in the XML configuration.
Avira GmbH
Ensure that you safeguard your RFC connections with Secure
Network Communications (SNC) as described in the SNC
manual. You can find the SNC manual on the SAP Service
Marketplace under
Detail/Secure System Management.
- vscan_rfc.exe (Microsoft Windows NT) or vscan_rfc (UNIX)
- The current RFC library or LIBRFC (see SAP Note 413708)
- sapcpp45.dll (Microsoft Windows NT) or sapcpp45.<shared ext.> (UNIX)
- xml63d.dll (Microsoft Windows NT) or xml63d<shared ext> (UNIX)
AntiVir Virus Scan Adapter
ABAP-Specific Configuration
Security in


Table of Contents

Table of Contents