Profile, Followers, And Mentions; View Your Profile; Change Your Profile Picture And Information; View A Person's Profile - Blackberry TWITTER FOR SMARTPHONES - BETA V1.0 User Manual

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User Guide

Profile, followers, and mentions

View your profile

Press the Menu key.
2. Click My Profile.

Change your profile picture and information

Press the Menu key.
2. Click My Profile.
3. Press the Menu key.
4. Click Edit My Profile.
5. Do any of the following:
• Beside your profile picture, click Change. Click a picture.
• Type your new profile information.
6. Click Update.

View a person's profile

You can view a person's tweet timeline, followers, people that they follow, favorite tweets, and mentions from the person's profile.
To view the profile of a person you follow or a person that follows you, press the Menu key. Click My Profile. Click Following or
Followers. Click a profile picture.
To view the profile of another person, press the Menu key. Click Search. Type your search criteria. Press the Enter key. Click a profile
Profile, followers, and mentions


Table of Contents

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